
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Book 15 in the Chocoholics Mystery series 
by JoAnna Carl

From the bestselling author of The Chocolate Clown Corpse, it’s murder, my sweet, for a chocolatier whose love of old crime films plunges her into a real-life murder where the motives aren’t so black and white…
The Warner Pier tourism board is kicking off its Tough Guys and Private Eyes film festival with The Maltese Falcon, and Lee Woodyard and her Aunt Nettie are preparing a delicious chocolate noir tie-in at TenHuis Chocolade. What Lee isn’t prepared for is a face from the past: Jeff Godfrey, her former stepson. The last time Jeff showed up in town, he wound up being accused of murder. Now he says he’s only in Warner Pier to see Bogart on the big screen. Honest.
Jeff may now be a college grad, but that doesn’t mean he’s any less naïve than the kid Lee had to bail out of trouble earlier. There are all those strange phone calls, a girlfriend who’s secretly on Jeff’s tail, and a pack of suspicious-sounding acquaintances right out of Dashiell Hammett. Then Jeff goes missing, the Falcon theme is haunting everyone, and a body falls at Lee’s feet when she opens the front door – just like in the movie.
Now Lee is under deadline to rewrite the ending of a cunning killer’s increasingly convincing murder plot…
Includes Tasty Chocolate Trivia!


THE CHOCOLATE FALCON FRAUD is a decadent delight for mystery readers.

Author JoAnna Carl’s Chocoholic Mystery series has been a staple read on the diets of cozy mystery fans for many years. You would think she would have a difficult time coming up with new storylines and plots for this long running series of hers. Yet in the same fashion as an expert chocolatier creates a sweet masterpiece, Ms. Carl has time and again skillfully written wonderful new stories that are the very best recipes of chocolate covered murder.

THE CHOCOLATE FALCON FRAUD is written proof of why this series endures. I mean, what could be better than a mystery that has a Tough Guys and Private Eyes Film Festival featuring The Maltese Falcon? One with murder and intrigue of course! Ms. Carl, an expert storyteller, has once again crafted a story with likeable characters, delightful treats, and a plot that is deliciously fresh.  

After reading book fifteen in this series, mystery fans and chocoholics alike are going to be begging for a second, or rather, a sixteen helping!

Readers will also have fun with the Chocolate Chat feature, and chocolate recipes. 

Pre-order now 
Releases November 3!

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  1. Thanks, Lisa. To have written fifteen books, in one series, says a lot for the author's!

  2. Mystery and chocolate along with the Maltese Falcon. A winning mix.
