
Friday, October 30, 2015

Cozy Food Friday!

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!

Today I'm featuring a recipe from
Book 1 in the Country Store Mystery series
Maddie Day

In this freshly baked series, author Maddie Day lifts the lid on a small town in southern Indiana, where a newcomer is cooking up a new start--until a murderer muddles the recipe...

Nursing a broken heart, Robbie Jordan is trading in her life on the West Coast for the rolling hills of southern Indiana. After paying a visit to her Aunt Adele, she fell in love with the tiny town of South Lick. And when she spots a For Sale sign on a rundown country store, she decides to snap it up and put her skills as a cook and a carpenter to use. Everyone in town shows up for the grand re-opening of Pans ‘n Pancakes, but when the mayor's disagreeable assistant is found dead, Robbie realizes that not all press is good press. With all eyes on her, she'll have to summon her puzzle-solving skills to clear her name, unscramble the town's darkest secrets, and track down a cold-blooded killer--before she's the next to die...


FLIPPED FOR MURDER, book one in the Country Store Mystery series by Maddie Day was everything I hoped it would be and more! This delicious new mystery won me on page one. The rest of the story was a full course meal that left me happily satiated.

I adored lead character, Robbie Jordan right away. Her character is filled with kindness, enthusiasm, and determination. She was a joy to read and get to know. I look forward to spending more time with her in future installments. The entire supporting cast of characters were a delight. Multi-layered, real, and some of them, just plain fun!

FLIPPED FOR MURDER is a first rate mystery with a wonderfully imagined plot. Author Maddie Day kept this story going at an excellent fast pace, with edge of your seat, page turning writing that held me entranced. Truly a tasty whodunit with a menu packed full of suspects. I chewed on the possible outcome, drinking it all in right up until the shocking reveal!

If you’re limited to the amount of new series you can start, you must add FLIPPED FOR MURDER to your list. It is by far one of the best cozy mysteries I’ve read this year!

Check out the back of the book for mouth-watering recipes, and an excerpt of book two, GRILLED FOR MURDER!

And now for a yummy recipe!


(With thanks to The Tassajara Bread Book for inspiration) 


1 cup wheat flour, plus extra for kneading 
1 cup unbleached white flour 
1 tablespoon baking soda 
½ teaspoon salt 
½ cup butter, cut in half-inch cubes 
2 eggs 
½ cup milk 
1 cup grated pepper jack or sharp cheddar cheese


Preheat oven at 450 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Mix dry ingredients. 

Cut butter into the flower mix, until mostly pea-sized pieces. Make a well in the middle and add the eggs and milk, mixing with a fork in the well. Add cheese and stir all with a fork, until liquid and cheese are just blended with the flour.  Do not overmix. 

Sprinkle some flour on a flat surface and on the dough. Scrape the dough out of the bowl onto the surface, rubbing flour around the inside of the bowl until clean. 

Lightly knead the dough until it comes together. 

Flour a rolling pin. Roll the dough to a half-inch thickness. Fold in thirds. Roll, fold, and repeat several time. 

Cut with a 2-inch biscuit cutter or drinking glass and position on a baking sheet. You don't need more than an inch in between. 

Bake for about ten minutes or until risen and golden brown on top. 

Serve warm with miso (vegan) or meat gravy, apple butter, or honey. 

(Food photos are from Google Images. Your finished product may vary in appearance.)

I don't know about you, but biscuits are one of my favorite foods. I never turn one down. And goodness, these sure do sound tasty!

Please keep reading and check out my 
installments of 
Book Beginnings on Fridays
The Friday 56


My Book Beginnings and Friday 56
 for this week are also from

Book Beginnings on Fridays is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading

My Book Beginnings...

My heart beat something fierce as the bell on the door jangled. It was make-or-break time. I'd been preparing for this day for weeks. I thought I was ready, but if I slipped up, I'd be in major hot water, or financial ruin, 
as the case may be. 

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice
Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's okay.) *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you. *Post it.

My Friday 56...

I stood for a moment with my back to the door. 
Something felt out of place. 

Maddie Day


  1. Thanks, Lisa! Oh, how I LOVE cheesy biscuits!

  2. Flipped for Murder sounds like a great cozy. Loved your review, Lisa. Cheesy biscuits....Yum!

    Have a good weekend and a Happy Halloween!

  3. I love those cheesy biscuits! Well, the look of them...can't smell or taste them from here. LOL.

    The book sounds delightful...I so enjoy characters who start over in some cozy town, and they always find a mystery, don't they? Fun...

    Here's mine: “COP TOWN”

  4. Mmmm Cheesy Biscuits... Sounds like a fun new series and I can not wait to read it.

  5. MMMM Cheesy Biscuits. I can not wait to read this wonderful series.

    Happy Halloween!

  6. I have this one to read and I really can't wait to make time for it. :)


  7. Hi,
    Sounds like a great book. I'll have to check this out. The Biscuits look yummy. Have a great day!

  8. I can totally relate to that opening, I have felt that way a couple of times in my life. Happy Friday!

  9. This sounds like a good cozy and one I would enjoy - the recipe looks good too!
    Here's My Friday Post

  10. I like the sound of the book and the recipe, thanks for sharing.

  11. Both the biscuits and the book sound good. I'm spotlighting Sweep in Peace by Ilona Andrews this week. Happy reading!

  12. I love a good cheese biscuit and I've been wanting to start this series. It sounds so much fun and I have a feeling the books will make me seriously hungry!

  13. I love to check out new series...thanks for sharing this one!

  14. The all important cheesy biscuits! They look delicious! Thanks for sharing.

  15. Yummy! Thank you for the review and for sharing this recipe!

  16. I like the sound of the teaser. Thanks for sharing and for stopping by our blog.

  17. I think the protagonist should trust their gut (no pun intended). Hope you enjoy the weekend!

  18. Truly looking forward to getting this book very soon. So many good books, but if Lisa says this is one of her top choices, then I KNOW I must read it for sure. Thank you for the recipe for the biscuits too.
    Cynthia B

  19. Charming cover art with that wonderful shade of blue. I love reading your warm, detailed reviews and those yummy biscuits look so inviting!

  20. Both books in this series sound fun and I'm a cozy addict so I'll be checking them out. LOL Those biscuits look so yummy delicious. I'm a biscuit hound too:)

  21. I love the cover! I know it will be calling to me when I get to a bookstore! Thanks for the review!

  22. Great review and snippets! Thanks for the biscuit recipe too! Happy weekend!

  23. Hey I just ate. Now I'm hungry just looking at those cheesy biscuits!
