
Thursday, October 8, 2015

I'm thrilled to be the first stop on the book tour for author 
Linda O. Johnston!
Linda's newest book releases today! 
Book 2 in the Superstition Mystery series.

Rory Chasen, now the manager of the Lucky Dog Boutique in Destiny, California, is delighted when her best friend Gemma arrives a day early for her visit. Gemma’s just broken up with her boyfriend in Los Angeles, so Rory is especially eager to cheer her up. But before they get a chance to talk, two of the town’s most eligible bachelors sidle in. Their amorous advances—and an unexpected job offer—seem to take Gemma’s mind off her ex . . . until he arrives in Destiny.
As Gemma tries to sort out what to do, one of her suitors is murdered, leaving Rory to wonder if a black cat has crossed Gemma’s path. Is Rory’s friend guilty of murder—or is she just having a run of bad luck?

 1 Print copy of 

A lucky winner will be
chosen by random draw through Rafflecopter at the end of the tour on October 21. 
Please us the Rafflecopter form below.
This giveaway is through Great Escape Book Tours, not Lisa Ks Book Reviews.


Luck has nothing to do with author Linda O. Johnston’s Superstition series being as popular as it is. It’s pure talent on the author’s part that gets the credit. KNOCK ON WOOD, the second installment in this wonderful series is just as delightful as book one, UNDER A LADDER.

It was fun to be back in Destiny, CA where superstitions are taken very seriously. After all, the whole town revolves around them. It’s so clear that Ms. Johnston did her research while writing this book. She mentions superstitions, and good and bad luck items that I have never heard of.

KNOCK ON WOOD is a well written mystery with a great plot that was more than it seemed. Every time I was sure I knew the answers to who and why, something would happen causing me to doubt myself. Ms. Johnston did a remarkable job keeping the answers just out of reach until she was ready for the reveal.   

I for one am knocking on wood that a third book in this series will be sliding down the rainbow to us sooner than later!

Get your copy of KNOCK ON WOOD now. But be careful not to step on any cracks along the way!


Linda O. Johnston's first published fiction appeared in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine and won the Robert L. Fish Memorial Award for Best First Mystery Short Story of the year. Since then, Linda, a former lawyer who is now a full-time writer, has published more short stories, novellas, and 39 romance and mystery novels, including the Pet Rescue Mystery Series, a spinoff from her Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter mysteries for Berkley Prime Crime. She currently writes the Superstition Mysteries and the Barkery & Biscuits Mysteries for Midnight Ink, and also writes for Harlequin Romantic Suspense as well as the Alpha Force paranormal romance miniseries for Harlequin Nocturne.

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. KNOCK ON WOOD sounds like a great book! Thank you, Lisa, for the review. :-)
    I have added the book to my TBR list. Thank you for the giveaway.

  2. Thanks for the review. I hadn't heard of this series until now. It sounds like a great read. I've put this & the first one on my Goodreads list.

  3. Knock on Wood sounds like a book my mom & I would enjoy!!

  4. Thanks for the giveaway...sounds like a fun book. Kuzlin at

  5. This is a cute series, thanks for the giveaway.

  6. Thanks, Lisa! Would love to win Knock on Wood...and "knocking on wood". :)

  7. Della at Thanks for this chance to get to know a new author and a new series. It does look interesting.

  8. Knock On Wood sounds captivating and special. Thanks for this lovely feature and giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  9. I love the cover, I have to go get the first book, this one sounds great.

  10. I enjoy reading Linda O. Johnston's books. If this second book is as good as the first book I am sure to enjoy it.

  11. This sounds like a great book. I will have to get the first book right away!

  12. Just popping in to check out the comments and say hi. My fingers are crossed that you all have good luck! And thanks, Lisa.

  13. Hey ... another new author!! Thank you for introducing me to her ... this book sounds like a great read!

  14. What an interesting book! Great cover too. I have added this book to my tbr list. Thanks for the giveaway.

  15. This sounds like such an interesting series! Especially since I read that the owner of the shop is not superstitious! I have not yet started reading this series, so I hope to one day soon. jeaniedannheim (at) ymail (dot) com

  16. Things usually get interesting when an ex shows up. I'd love to read this. Thanks for the giveaway.
