
Wednesday, September 9, 2015


I'm very happy to be a stop on the blog tour for 
author Lea Wait and her new book
Book 2 in the Mainely Needlepoint Mystery series

It's hard to imagine anything bad ever happening in picturesque Haven Harbor, Maine--until a famous face rolls into town and unthreads some very dark secrets. . .

Angie Curtis and the Mainely Needlepointers are all too familiar with the Gardener estate. The crumbling Victorian mansion, known as "Aurora," has been sitting vacant for nearly twenty-five years--and some say it's haunted by the ghost of Jasmine Gardener, the teenage girl who died there in 1970 under mysterious circumstances... 

Harbor Haven is abuzz with excitement when Hollywood actress Skye West decides to buy Aurora and sell off its furnishings. And Angie is intrigued when Skye asks her to appraise the estate's sizable collection of needlepoint pictures. But the more she examines the pieces, the more they seem to point toward Jasmine's murder--and the murderer--and it's up to her to stitch the clues together. . .


I missed the first book in this series but I didn’t feel lost reading THREADS OF EVIDENCE at all. Author Lea Wait gave enough background to let me know about her characters. Protagonist Angie Curtis, the Mainely Needlepointers, and other characters in the book are extremely well developed. Though they seem more intense to me than characters in most cozies.

This book was an attention getting, fast moving story that led to a reveal like none I have read. There were so many twists and turns. So many things to think about and question. I’m interested to see what the third book will hold.

Not a needlepointer? No worries. You don’t have to know the craft to enjoy this story. It may however inspire you to take up needlepointing. 

Available Now!

Lea's publisher, Kensington is giving away this 
wonderful prize package!

One lucky winner will chosen by random draw through Rafflecopter at the end of the tour on September 18. 
This giveaway is through Great Escape Book Tours, not Lisa Ks Book Reviews.

About the author

I've been writing mysteries for grownups (the Shadows Antique Print Mystery Series and the Mainely Needlepoint Series) and historical fiction for young people set in 19th century Maine since I left corporate America in 1998 and moved to Maine, a state I've always loved and where I had family ties. 

SHADOWS ON A MAINE CHRISTMAS, the seventh and latest in the Shadows series, was published in September, 2014, and was honored by Library Journal naming it one of the year's best Christmas reads. 

THREADS OF EVIDENCE ("Suspense Magazine" called it "highly recommended") was published in September, 2015, the second in the Mainely Needlepoint series. TWISTED THREADS, the first in that series, debuted in January, 2015. THREAD AND GONE will be published in January of 2016. 

I earned my B.A. at Chatham College (now Chatham University) and have graduate degrees from New York University. I've owned an antique print business, MAH Antiques, since 1976. I adopted my 4 wonderful daughters when I was a single parent. They're grown now, and I have eight perfect grandchildren. (Aren't all grandchildren perfect?) In 2003 I married Bob Thomas, a man I've known and loved since 1968. Bob's an artist, and is immensely supportive of my writing. (He even does all the errands and cooking so I have no excuses to leave my desk!) 
For more information about me, check my website,, friend me on Facebook and Goodreads, and read LIVING AND WRITING ON THE COAST OF MAINE and the blog ( I write with 9 other mystery writers from Maine. 
And remember -- LIFE is the REAL mystery!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have not read the books in the Mainely Needlepoint Mystery series, but THREADS OF EVIDENCE sounds like a wonderful cozy which I will enjoy reading. I will be adding these books to my TBR list. Thank you for the review and giveaway.

  2. This looks like a wonderful cozy mystery. I would love to win the prize pack.

  3. Just finished the first book and ready to read this one.
    thanks for the chance.

  4. I love books with Victorian houses in them.

  5. Thanks, Lisa! This sounds like another wonderful series!

  6. Thanks for this delightful feature and giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  7. Looks like a great series. Looking forward to reading them. Thanks for the giveaway.

  8. What a terrific giveaway, and another nice review that makes me want to read the book! Thanks, Lisa.

  9. This is new to me, it sounds great, now I have to go look for the first book. Thanks for the chance to win this one.

  10. I don't think my other post went through so let me try again. This is a new to me series and it sounds great. Now I have to go look for the first one. Thanks for the chance to win this one.

  11. Great review Lisa! Looking forward to visiting Maine now! Thanks for the chance to win!

  12. This looks like a great new series. I've bought the first one, Twisted Threads, but not yet gotten to it. The reviews are good & I'm sure this will be a series I will continue to read.

  13. Thank you for being part of the blog tour! I have the first book in the series in my TBR stack; winning a copy would definitely encourage me to read both! Very thoughtful and encouraging review - and I can't wait to see Aurora through Angie's eyes! I used to do needlepoint, it has been many years though. Maybe this will give me what encouragement I need to try it again.

  14. I"m glad you enjoyed this one too! I really love the series and can't wait to read book three whenever it comes out. My review & tour stop posted today!
