
Wednesday, August 5, 2015


I'm so thrilled to be a stop on 
 author Diane Vallere's book tour for
Book 2 in the Material Witness Mystery series

“Diane Vallere has stitched up an engaging new series.”—Sofie Kelly, New York Times bestselling author of the Magical Cats Mysteries

Fabric shop owner Polyester Monroe is back in business—this time getting wrapped up in a diabolical but crafty case of murder.

With opening day of Material Girl approaching, Poly is stocking up on lush fabrics, colorful notions, and best of all, a proprietary weave of velvet. But upon delivery, it’s not quite the blend she expected, being ninety-percent silk and ten-percent corpse. Crushed under a dozen bolts of fabric is Phil Girard. His wife, Genevieve, local tea shop owner and close friend of Poly, is the prime suspect.

Granted, Phil may not have been the perfect husband, but surely Genevieve had no reason to kill him! There’s just the small matter of Genevieve’s own incriminating confession: I’m afraid I killed my husband. Now, as Material Girl’s grand opening looms, Poly is torn between a friendship pulling apart at the seams—and finding a smooth killer with a velvet touch…



If I had material like CRUSHED VELVET to read all the time, I could zip through books faster than running my nylons or snagging my cotton blends. 

I am such a fan of the Material Witness Mystery series. Book one, SUEDE TO REST was a great first installment, but it doesn’t compare to the wonderfully textured read that is CRUSHED VELVET.

I hardly put this book down from the moment I opened it until sadly, it was over, with no more to read. I simply didn’t want it to end. Between the wonderful writing, twists and turns, delightful characters like Polyester Monroe, and adorably punny shop names such as Material Girl and Flowers In The Attic, this book kept a smile on my face the entire time I was reading.

Author Diane Vallere has sewn together a mystery that mixed just the right weave of intrigue, action, and humor to make this cozy whodunit a serious contender for my favorite book of the 2015. It is for sure in my top 5 favorites.

Stitch together some time for reading and add CRUSHED VELVET to your “must read” list. If you haven’t read the first book. SUEDE TO REST, get them both and read them back to back. You’re going to love them!

And don’t miss the fun craft project, and excerpt from SILK STALKINGS, book three in the fantastic series! 

Available Now!

Diane is giving away this great prize!

Click on photo to enlarge

The Prize is:
2 yards of custom fabric printed with the covers of SUEDE TO REST and CRUSHED VELVET
A winner will chosen by random draw through 
Rafflecopter at the end of the tour on August 16. 
This giveaway is through Great Escape Book Tours, not Lisa Ks Book Reviews.

About the author

I'm a former fashion buyer turned mystery writer, trading fashion accessories for accessories to murder. I was bit by the mystery bug as a kid reading Trixie Belden, Connie Blair, and The Three Investigators. Now I'm writing three series: the Style & Error Mysteries, the Mad for Mod Mysteries, and the new Material Witness Mysteries. 

SUEDE TO REST features Polyester Monroe, a concept designer for a tacky pageant dress shop. The book opens as she inherits the fabric shop that she was born in. It's been closed for ten years, since her great aunt was killed inside. A new murder seems to be connected, and even though Poly is being pressured to sell, she wants to find some answers. Watch for more in the Material Witness Mystery Series in 2015. 

The Style & Error Series features former fashion buyer turned amateur sleuth Samantha Kidd. Books in that series include DESIGNER DIRTY LAUNDRY; BUYER, BEWARE; and THE BRIM REAPER. (A short story, "Just Kidding," tells the story of how Samantha first met shoe designer Nick Taylor). Book 4, SOME LIKE IT HAUTE, will be out in early 2015.

The Mad for Mod Mystery Series features Doris Day-loving, Mid-century Modern interior decorator Madison Night and her faithful Shih Tzu Rock. Books are PILLOW STALK and THAT TOUCH OF INK. A prequel novella, "Midnight Ice," can be found in OTHER PEOPLE'S BAGGAGE. Look for the third book in this series, WITH VICS YOU GET EGGROLL, in April 2015.

I love to hear from readers! You can connect with me on twitter (@dianevallere), or say hi on Facebook. Telepathy works, too. Sometimes.

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 

upper right hand corner of this page.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I will definetly be checking out this series. I love to find new to me authors.

  2. Great review Lisa! I will need to read this series. :)

  3. Crushed Velvet sounds wonderful. I'm reading the first one now and enjoying it. The material looks awesome. Thanks for the chance to win.

  4. fun present for the giveaway. Would make great pillows for my chair where I read.
    thanks for having the giveaway. Looking forward to reading the book.

  5. Great review Lisa, I can't wait! Have you read the Mad for Mod books? They are really good too.

  6. Thanks for the review, looking forward to reading the book!

  7. Thanks, Lisa! Love the cover and what a great prize!

  8. Thank you, Lisa, for hosting stop on my blog tour! I'm thrilled that you liked the book.

    There are four different choices for the fabric prize (the one pictured is only one). You can see them all here:

    Good luck!!

  9. Oops, I see that the image does show all 4 of the fabrics. Thanks!

    1. Sorry. Yes, I put them together. I should have mentioned that the winner gets their choice of one of the prints. That's go to be a tough choice. They're great!

  10. New series for me! Can hardly wait to read!!

  11. Crushed Velvet is on my reading wish list!!

  12. Loving the first book, I can't wait to read the new one.

  13. What a great review Lisa, but all of your reviews are great each and every day. I have enjoyed other books by Diane and I am truly looking forward to reading this one. Please enter me into the contest for this giveaway. Thank you so much.
    Cynthia B

  14. Thank you everyone for stopping by today!

  15. I loved the first book in the series

  16. what a unique giveaway!!
    thank you!!!
