
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

I'm so excited to be a stop on 
 author Lynn Cahoon's book tour for
Book 5 in the Tourist Trap Mystery series

Jill Gardner—owner of Coffee, Books, and More—has somehow been talked into sponsoring a 5k race along the beautiful California coast. The race is a fundraiser for the local preservation society—but not everyone is feeling so charitable. 

The day of the race, everyone hits the ground running . . . until a local business owner stumbles over a very stationary body. The deceased is the vicious wife of the husband-and-wife team hired to promote the event—and the husband turns to Jill for help in clearing his name. But did he do it? 
Jill will have to be very careful, because this killer is ready to put her out of the running…forever! 


When I read the first book in this series, I knew it was going to do well. But I didn’t come close to conceiving what a runaway hit it would be!

I really enjoy the characters in the Tourist Trap series. They’re not perfect. Not even series lead Jill Gardner. They all have flaws. Some of them are aware of them and some aren’t. You can’t get any more real life than that.

I have to say, I was happy to see the victim in KILLER RUN murdered. LOL Harsh I know, but I didn’t like her at all. As far as victims in mysteries go, she had it coming.  

Author Lynn Cahoon has smooth and easy writing style that made me want to keep turning page after page. This story had plenty of twists, turns, ups and down to keep me guessing. And once the killer was revealed, I was holding my breath through the excitement. A very action packed scene indeed. Without giving anything away, if I had been Jill, I may have murdered Aunt Jackie during this scene. ;-) It would have been easy enough to get away with.

Killer Run was a perfect installment to a wonderful series. I look forward to what Lynn Cahoon has planned for the next book!  

Available Now!
A word from Lynn Cahoon

Big dreams, one step at a time.

Thanks for having me over to your blog today Lisa! Since Killer Run features a 5K run/walk for The California Mission Society, I thought we’d talk about goals, determination, and living your dreams.

***dead silence***

Wait, you’re not seeing the connection? Well hold on with me for a few more minutes. Every January, I set a list of resolutions down on paper. Dreams made real by putting a deadline on top of the packet, like whipped cream. I think running a 5K or any type of marathon takes that kind of determination.

You don’t just wake up one morning and drive down to the Boston Marathon and sign up to run. No, big dreams like this take planning, preparation, and persistence. I have a friend who took up running marathons a few years ago after a messy divorce. Since she started, good things are happening in all parts of her life. Mostly because she’s believing in herself.

Sometimes I’m the first to rain on my own parade. “I’d love to run but…” “I have this great idea for a book, but…” “I want to lose twenty pounds, but (I don’t want to change my diet or exercise. I know this excuse well. :-)

Sometimes I let others douse my dreams with a cold bucket of water.

Nevertheless, sometimes, I just keep going. Like my friend when she got up in the dark each morning and ran, even on mornings she didn’t want to go to the gym or even get out of bed. And when I (read we) keep going, that’s when the magic happens. Pounds drop off, books get written, and runners win the lottery for an entry into the big races.

Killer Run reminds me that Success Breeds Success.
So what’s your big dream today? How can I help you get over your ‘buts’?

Lynn is giving away an ecopy of KILLER RUN, to two lucky winners! (for the entire book tour)

Two (2) winners will be chosen by random draw through 
Rafflecopter at the end of the tour on August 27

This giveaway is through Great Escape Book Tours, not Lisa Ks Book Reviews.

About the author

New York Times and USA Today best-selling author, Lynn Cahoon is an Idaho expat. She grew up living the small town life she now loves to write about. Currently, she's living with her husband and two fur babies in a small historic town on the banks of the Mississippi river where her imagination tends to wander. Guidebook to Murder, Book 1 of the Tourist Trap series won the 2015 Reader's Crown award for Mystery Fiction.

You can find out more about Lynn and her books at:

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sounds like a fast paced mystery hehe.

  2. Thanks for another great review and giveaway!

  3. I have Lynn's books in my TBR!!!
    thank you for the giveaway............

  4. Thanks for having me over today Lisa and for the review!

  5. Killer Run sounds great. My girls run various races, so that caught my eye.

    1. I have a friend who loves running. Her five year old just did a mini race. It was so cute.

  6. I'm sure this book will be as big a hit as the previous books in this series. I'm anxious to get a copy to read.

  7. Love this series thank you for review and giveaway

    1. oneponychick - Glad you're enjoying your trips to South Cove.

  8. Love your book reviews ..they are very helpful.

  9. Thanks for stopping by, Lynn! Thanks for the review, Lisa!

  10. It looks great! I can't wait to read it.
    (Jane Firebaugh)

  11. I have all your books so far on my kindle TBR. They sound great!

  12. I also have all your ebooks TBR - am trying to make time to read them! Often enjoy reading several at a time so the characters are more familiar. Looking forward to reading this one, too!
