
Saturday, July 11, 2015

What a wonderful response there was to the first 
Meet The Bibliophiles!
So much so, I have many more planned. 

I'm so excited to introduce you today to a lady I truly adore. She is of course a cozy mystery fan, but she is also sweet and kind, and I'm happy to call her my friend.   

Please enjoy my interview with bibliophile 
Paige Petroff Bennett!

Paige with author Ellery Adams

LKBR: Hi Paige! It’s great having you here!

PPB:  It's great being here Lisa Thank you for asking me

LKBR: What was the first cozy mystery you read?

PPB:  Aunt Dimity and the Duke by Nancy Athernon

LKBR: How did you learn about cozy mysteries?

PPB: At first I called them Agatha Christie mysteries. I did not know for years that cozy mysteries was a genre

LKBR: How long have you been reading cozies?

PPB: I guess about 8-9 years

LKBR: What does reading cozies mean to you? How do they make you feel?

PPB: Well they make me feel cozy. And I love the fact that there is not going to be a lot of blood and gore. I know that the victim was killed over a brownie recipe not for some deep dark reason. I also love reading a cozy series because each book in the series is like a visit with friends.

LKBR: Cozy mysteries often feature pets. Do you have any pets of your own? What are they? 

PPB: I recently lost my Yorkshire terrier- who was in fact a character in a cozy. GloryB was in a Krista Davis cozy and I think will be in the next one coming out.

GloryB and the book that made her a star!

LKBR: Do you leave reviews? If yes, for all the books you read or just the ones you liked?

PPB: It depends on who the author is. Some writers will have hundreds of reviews for one book. I tend to support the lesser known writers. They have just as big a talent- but not always as big a following. But I do write reviews on Amazon, Good reads and Barnes and Noble. I do not write a bad review so in that way I guess I only review those I like.

LKBR: What has your experience in the Facebook cozy community been like for you?

PPB:  OH I LOVE the Cozy FB community - they are like family. I have made real friends with readers and writers through FB. I do think that cozy writers are more open to readers than so called main stream writers.

I thought we needed another photo of GloryB. 
Here she is enjoying LEMON PIES AND LITTLE WHITE LIES by Ellery Adams 

LKBR: What other genres do you enjoy reading?

PPB: Non-cozy mysteries - Historical Fiction - literary fiction.

LKBR: Bookstores, on-line shopping, or libraries . . . which is your favorite way to acquire your books?

PPB: Oh the Mothership aka Barnes and Noble is my favorite means of adding to my stash. I do also order from ABE books on line.

LKBR: Print or eBook. Which do you prefer?

PPB:  Print! I have a Nook which I do not like. I will never give up books.  As I have said before they will have to pry books out of my cold dead hands.

LKBR: Do you enter in giveaways for book? If yes, have you ever won anything?

PPB: I enter - never won anything.

LKBR: What do you do when you’re not reading?

PPB: Sleeping! No seriously I like to walk to - spend time with family and be on FaceBook, which is like spending time with friends.

LKBR: If you could say anything to your favorite author (you don’t have to name her/him), what would you say?

PPB: Well my favorite writer is a personal friend (also). I would tell her how much her writing means to me and how it gives me such joy.

LKBR: Buy A Friend A Book Day is August 31. Will you be taking part and buying a book for someone? Will it be a cozy?

PPB: I will buy a book for someone. Some people call me "the bookie" because I am always trying to match people up with the right book. So on August 31 I will pick the friend and then the book.

LKBR: Thank you, Paige. I loved learning more about you. Happy reading!

PPB: Thank you Lisa!  Happy page turning.

I hope you enjoyed getting to know Paige. 
I know I have the past couple of years.

Check out Paige's Pages! It's a lovely Facebook group that Paige created for cozy fans. If you love cozies and are looking for a low key, fun place to talk about them, request to join. Tell Paige Lisa K sent you. Here's the link...

GloryB was quite the bibliophile herself. She really enjoyed THE CAT, THE VAGABOND AND THE VICTIM by Leann Sweeny.

RIP GloryB

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thank you Lisa for another great interview.

    I just read THE GHOST AND MRS. MEWER, and I remember the sweet GloryB. :) I agree that I like having actual books to read, and I hope they never quit publishing paper books.

  2. I really enjoyed your article this morning. I love books also, but don't have any more room so I have a Kindle, but I agree holding a book is the best!

  3. Thanks so much Paige! It's like visiting with you all over again! hugs to you!!

  4. What a lovely interview. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thanks, Lisa and Paige! Great interview! Sorry for your recent loss, Paige.

  6. This was a great blog:) Love finding out what authors are like outside their books. So sorry for the loss of your Yorkie. It is so hard to loose a family member:(

  7. You're right, it was fun to meet Paige! And I have to mention, I just read The Ghost and Mrs. Mewer, so I just read about the 'fictional' GloryB!

  8. What a great interview. Love getting to know authors on a more personal level. Thanks for sharing Paige and thanks for the post Lisa.

  9. This is a great blog to read about upcoming books and their authors...thanks!
