
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

When my friend, Edel Waugh, who runs 
suggested that we team up and interview some of our favorite bloggers, I couldn't say yes fast enough!

Today I am featuring one of the first book reviewer/bloggers I came to know when I first stared. 

Shelley Giusti 
Shelley's Book Case

LKBR: Hi Shelley. Thank you so much for being here today.

SG: Hi Lisa, Thank you for having me. I've not done an interview before so this is pretty exciting.

LKBR: I know of course you are a big reader now. Did you read a lot when you were a child? If so, what did you like to read?

SG: I was not a reader in my childhood. I think I only read the books our school teachers made us read.

LKBR: Bookstores, on-line shopping, or libraries . . . which is your favorite way to acquire your books?

SG: I love going to bookstores and libraries, to be able to walk in and see all the covers of these amazing books, to hold them in your hands and yes I love smelling new books. There is nothing like that feeling.

LKRB: What is one of your favorite reading spots other than your home?

SG: I am a big fan of reading in coffee shops. Sometimes it can be distracting because I am a people watcher too but the atmosphere and the aroma of the coffees makes its delightful.

LKBR: I know you’re a cozy mystery reader like I am. What other genres do you enjoy?

SG: I like to read thrillers and suspense, like Harlan Coben, Dan Brown, Sue Grafton, Mary Higgins Clark and J.D. Robb  and Vince Flynn and I am a fan of some Young Adult. Yes I have a few favorites. 

LKBR: How long have you been a blogger/reviewer?

SG: I have been a doing this since 2012 and it has been a great and fun journey. Meeting new authors has been exciting and my to be read pile is so big I won't ever finish. But well worth it.

LKBR: What inspired you to start your own blog?

SG: I wanted to tell others about these great books I've found and wasn't sure how to do it.  Then I was introduced to blogging by a friend and had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I wrote my first post and thought it was easy and would be fun. I didn't do it every day and it started off slow  but it has grown so much today.

LKBR: What is your favorite part, other than the reading, of being a blogger/reviewer?

SG: My favorite part would have to be getting to know the authors and having that friendship with them. I have met so many of my favorite authors and don't think I would have had that chance if it wasn't for blogging and reviewing.

LKBR: Do you have a set time that your work on your blog? Or is it a matter of you do it when you can?

SG: I work about 2 -4 hours a day, with sending out invites to authors, reviewing books and getting my blog ready for the week. I love that I can schedule days in advance, it helps for when I get busy and don't have to think about getting it in before the night is over.

LKBR: When you’re not reading, and working on reviews and you site, what do you like to do?

SG:  I have a knitting passion, love knitting socks, but I also love to cross stitch and now I'm learning to sew. I just got a sewing machine and am so looking forward to making quilts and tote bags.

LKBR: What are three things you would like people to know about you?

SG:  This is a tough one.
I am a mother of two grown children.
I am very active at my Library with book club and craft corner.
When I am not crafting or reading/blogging I like to play World of Warcraft (my inner geek comes out)

LKBR: Shelley, thank you for wonderful answers!

SG: Your very welcome, I am honored you thought of me for this interview, it was fun. 

If you enjoyed this interview with Shelley and would like to know more about her, you can follow her at the following links...

And now, head over to my friend Edel's blog and see who she is interviewing today! 

You can also follow Edel on 

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

I would love for you to follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
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  1. That was fun! Lisa and Shelley, two of my favorite bloggers, in one place!

  2. Fun interview and nice to meet Shelley! I visit her blog already too!

  3. Great interview, Shelley and Lisa! I'm looking forward to being featured on Shelley's Book Case tomorrow.

    Susan Bernhardt

  4. Thanks, Lisa and Shelley (and thanks, to Edel, for coming up with the idea)!

  5. What fun to get the two of you together! Thank you so much for this post.

  6. Love Shelley's Blog!! Thanks for sharing! So fun to lean new things!

  7. What a nice interview. Fun to learn more about the people behind the blogs we follow!

  8. What a great interview! Thank you Shelley and Lisa. :)
