
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

SPELLCASTING IN SILK by Juliet Blackwell

Book 5 in the Magical Bakery Mystery series 
by Bailey Cates

From the New York Times bestselling author of Some Enchanted Éclair comes a tale of delicious desserts and supernatural sleuthing…
For magical baker Katie Lightfoot, the only way to beat the Savannah summer heat is to whip up some cool treats for the Honeybee Bakery’s patrons. But when a meeting of the spellbook club is interrupted by a stranger collapsing on the floor of her shop, mumbling something about a voodoo talisman, Katie drops everything to begin investigating.

Her search for answers quickly leads her into a dangerous blend of Savannah’s infamous voodoo queens, a powerful missing charm—and a deadly witch who seems to be targeting the city’s magical community. And with the case getting hotter by the second, Katie will have to work fast to track down the talisman and the killer before the timer runs out…



The cozy genre is seeing more and more paracozies on the market these days, and out of all those series on the list the Magical Bakery Mystery series is one of the most recognized.

I’ll be honest, books with witches and magic aren’t my go to reads. I was sent this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I’m happy it was because I found author Bailey Cates to be a gifted writer and her words flowed smart and smooth.

I love the description of the Honeybee Bakery. I mean really, a bakery with a reading area and floor to ceiling book shelves? Who wouldn’t want to spend all their time there? They’d have to kick me out at closing time.

The characters in this were very enjoyable to read and get to know. Protagonist Katie Lightfoot was extremely likeable, as was the supporting cast of characters.

Even though the subject isn’t something I would normally read, I can’t and won’t deny this was a well written mystery filled with intrigue, and had a twist of an ending.

Fans of Ms. Cates, as well as readers who like to read about magic, are in for a bewitching time with MAGIC AND MACAROONS. I know someone who will simply adore this book and I am going to send it off to her.

Remember to check out the yummy recipes at the back of the book! 


Book 7 in the Witchcraft Mystery series 
by Juliet Blackwell

From the New York Times bestselling author of A Vision in Velvet comes more spooky sleuthing with Lily Ivory, vintage boutique owner and gifted witch…

Lily would like nothing better than to relax, enjoy her friends, and take care of business at her store, which is booming thanks to San Francisco's upcoming Summer of Love Festival.  But as the unofficial witchy consultant to the SFPD, she is pulled into yet another case.

A woman has jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge, and her apparent suicide may be connected to a suspicious botanica in the Mission District. When the police investigate the shop, they ask Lily to look into its mysterious owner, whose granddaughter also appears to be missing. As Lily searches for the truth, she finds herself confronted with a confounding mystery and some very powerful magic…


I’ve mentioned before that stories with witches aren’t really my reading preference. I’m read this book at the request of the publisher in exchange for an honest review. And I have to say. I honestly enjoyed it!

Author Juliet Blackwell is a must buy author for many readers I know. I can see why. She has a passion for writing that clearly showed through in this book.

I loved the fact that lead character, Lily, is not only allowed, but is requested to help the police with their investigations. Even though she’s the owner of a vintage clothing store, her powers prove useful to the police. And with the death in this story looking to be occult inspired, she was needed even more.

This was a very good mystery filled with plenty of suspense, action, and magical moments. I did not see the ending in this story coming. I was really taken by surprise.

For readers who enjoy a mystical, magical mystery, you’re in for a real treat with SPELLCASTING IN SILK. I’ll be passing this book on to a reader I know will simply love it.

Be sure to check out the back of the book for an excerpt of GIVE UP THE GHOST, the next thrilling book in the Haunted Home Renovation Mystery series!

are now available for pre-order! 

Both titles release 
Tuesday, July 7!  

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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Please continue reading for the solution to this week's Monday Mystery Mashup.



1. Antiques Swap

2. Spellcasting In Silk

3. Fat Cat Spreads Out

4. Decoupage Can Be Deadly

5. Fat Tuesday Fricassee