
Monday, June 22, 2015

I'm so very happy to be hosting author 
Lynn Cahoon 
on the blog today and sharing in the 
excitement of the release of 
Book 4 in her Tourist Trap Mystery series 

Jill Gardner, the owner of Coffee, Books, and More, has been suckered into playing a twenties flapper in murder/dinner theater. Though it is for charity... 

Of course everyone is expecting a "dead" body at the dress rehearsal...but this one isn't acting! It turns out the main suspect is the late actor's conniving girlfriend Sherry...who also happens to be the ex-wife of Jill's main squeeze. Sherry is definitely a master manipulator...but is she a killer? Jill may discover the truth only when the curtain comes up on the final act...and by then, it may be far too late.

To celebrate the release of 
Lynn is giving away an 
eBook copy to one lucky winner!

Just leave a comment and your email for 
a chance to win! 
(Don't be concerned if your comment doesn't show right away. Due to a horrible bout of Spamming, I now have to moderate. I'll check my email throughout the day and add your comments to the blog.)
Winner will be chosen by random draw using 

A word from author
Lynn Cahoon

What would you do for a friend?

We all hear stories, especially from our teenagers. “I was helping a friend.” Or “The gang decided…” But sometimes even adults get caught into the web. How far would you go to help a friend? 

The summer after high school graduation, I went to an irrigation canal with my boyfriend. I lied and told him I could swim when really, I was a much better floater. I wanted to show off. He wanted to show me the air pocket cave that was between the bridge that went over the canal and the water. I barely made it there, having to swim underwater to where the cement of the bridge ended. I freaked out when I hit the air pocket and realized I was going to have to repeat the path that had gotten me trapped under a bridge.

I’d like to say I learned to be more honest and stand up for my needs after that adventure. It’s just not true.

South Cove, my fictional central California coastal town is filled with friendships. Jill Gardner’s bestie is Amy, the city planner/receptionist and surfer. Aunt Jackie’s best friend is Mary Sullivan, co-owner with her husband of South Cove Bed and Breakfast. They both enjoy traveling and talking about traveling. Even Sherry King, Greg’s ex-wife, has a bestie. Pat Williams is her silent partner in the new business, Vintage Duds. She’s a lot like Sherry, they both look like they could be competing for Miss California most days, even when their just grabbing a skinny latte to go. I’m sure their discussions deal with calorie counting and water retention. Or not.

When I started writing, Dressed to Kill, I wondered about that one question. What would you do for a friend. Without giving away too much of the book, all of the friendships above are tested in Dressed. And I got wondering what are the limits? Would you lie? Steal? Kill? And how would you justify your action, if or when caught?

Some people are able to define the line between right and wrong easily. For some, the greater good steps in to allow them to justify their actions. Jill’s Aunt Jackie is able to justify it because the person she acted against had done something worse to her friend. She saw herself as an avenging angel, taking down the bad guy, even if it meant doing something that was illegal as well.

I love watching court room dramas where the accused had the best of intentions, but they technically crossed the line from legal to illegal. There should be a moral do over button where people who did the wrong thing for the right reason get a free pass.

I’m all about the gray.

And the happy ever after ending.

Good thing I changed my career plans and didn’t go to law school. I’d be arguing on the side of right without a legal leg to stand on.  Instead, I get to play with these concepts with my imaginary friends.

What about you? What have you done for a friend that later you regretted?

Thank you, Lynn. 

I've talked to my sisters and some friends in the past about what I would be willing to do for them. These are the three things I always seem to say.

I would die for them.
I would take their illnesses onto myself if I could so they could lead healthy lives. 
I cover for them if they ever killed a person. 

The first two things I would do without a second thought. The third thing . . . I would have to know why they killed the person. ;-)

How about you? 


There are many series I really get excited about when a new book is due to be released, and the Tourist Trap Mystery series is for sure one of those series. Each book gets better and better, and this is certainly true with book 4, DRESSED TO KILL. Author Lynn Cahoon has really added layers to the characters in this series, and it’s been a joy being a part of watching it grow.

Once again protagonist Jill Gardner, owner of one of my favorite fictional shops, Coffee, Books and More, finds herself in the middle of a homicide investigation after being pulled into it by a friend.

DRESSED TO KILL was a first rate mystery that moved at a perfect past making it a quick and extremely entertaining read. It was intriguing and well thought out and kept me guessing through the entire story. As always, author Cahoon fooled me with the reveal. I feel like I should have seen it coming, but I simply got outsmarted. J

If you haven’t read the Tourist Trap series, give yourself a gift and get the first for now because book 5, KILLER RUN will be out in August! 

Learn more about author 
Lynn Cahoon

Don't forget to leave a comment and your email address for a chance to win an eBook copy of 


As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page

Giveaway has ended


  1. Good review, makes me want to read this. Thanks for the giveaway.

    1. I love new readers. :) Thanks for stopping in.

  2. This is a new series for me, will have to check them out. Thanks for the chance to win.

    1. Hi Lisa, The Tourist Trap series starts with Guidebook to Murder. I hope you check it out.

  3. I adore this series and really enjoyed the review. Thanks,

    1. Hi Billie! Glad you're enjoying your trips to South Cove.

  4. Dressed To Kill sounds like an amazing mystery. I will need to check out her Tourist Trap Mystery series. Thank you for the review and giveaway.

    1. Hi Jen - I'm glad you're looking at the Tourist Trap series. South Cove is a great place to visit.

  5. Sounds great! Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. Dressed To Kill sounds like its going to be a terrific read. Loved the interview ! Thank you for the opportunity to win ! God bless

  7. I love the theme of this book. It sounds like a great series.

    1. Friendships are so interesting to think about. And when you're in a small town, there's a lot of people you see everyday. Thanks for stopping in.

  8. I love finding new to me authors and series'! Looking forward to reading her books. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

    vjvereeke (at) hotmail (dot) com

  9. Thank you for the giveaway and the review. I have not read this series yet although my mother has and I think it's time for me to catch up!

    1. Glad to meet a multi-generational reader. :)

  10. Your reviews/interviews help when deciding whether to add a book to my to be read list. Thanks for sharing the opportunity to win a copy of this book.

  11. I would probably do all three of those things for someone I loved, though I agree, I'd want to know why they killed someone. Love the cover! :)

    1. Jane, I've been blessed in the cover department for this series.

  12. Thanks, Lisa! Happy Monday, to you!

  13. Interesting Article I would certainly have to think it over. The plot sounds great. Thanks for the chance to win.

    1. Friendships are great fodder for lots of trouble. :) At least in a writer's mind.

  14. I just realized that I'm behind in this series...ACK...I've got to catch up. Thanks for the chance to win this one.
    momzillasteel at gmail dot com

    1. Ha. Yes, definitely, you need to catch up. Killer Run releases in August. :)

  15. Great interview and intriguing book...looking forward to reading it. Kuzlin at

  16. I found her books by accident, while looking in the bookstore! Now, I guard my copies! If I lend them, I sure know who has them! Lol! She's a great writer!!

  17. Great post by Lynn. I'm a big fan of the series and can't wait for the new one! Thanks for the chance to win!

  18. Oh, sounds like a fun series! Thank you for introducing me to a new author!

    1. Hi Barbara - hope you visit South Cove soon.

  19. Love my family and would stand by them no matter what, but I could not lie for them or myself the book however sounds amazing.

    1. Mari - I'm such a bad liar, I'd get caught, even if I tried.

  20. I'm agreeing with you...I would have to know why said person required the death penalty....the rest go without saying...would do whatever is necessary to keep my sisters from harm.
    Kathleen Bylsma

  21. I'm a big fan of the series and can hardly wait for the new one! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  22. That is a tough question! I don't know what I would do for a friend. For one of my kids, well, that might be easier to answer. I would do just about anything for one of them.

    ElaineE246 at msn dot com

  23. This series is new to me but it sounds great. I will definitely be adding it to my TBR list. Considering my best friend is my husband I think I would do most anything for him. However, I hope life stays uneventful so I don't have to make those tough decisions!

    1. There's nothing wrong with uneventful Cynthia!

  24. Thank you for the great review and for the author's comments and leading question. I'd like to think I would be much better now than 10, 20, or 30 years ago at determining how far I would go for a friend. Living in the grey area is where I find myself most often. I hope i would base my choice more on what is right or the reasons why instead of what the cost would be to me. The book sounds great; I would love to read about the mystery theater and of course, the ex-wife. jeaniedannheim ( at ) ymail ( dot ) com

  25. Thank you everyone for visiting.

    Thank you, Lynn Cahoon for being here.

    The winner is holdenj! J Holden, I'll be sending you an email! Congratulations!

  26. Congratulations on your new book, and your cover is adorable!
