
Thursday, June 4, 2015


I'm very excited to be a stop on 
author Alex Erickson's blog tour for
Book 1 in the Bookstore Café Mystery series

When Krissy Hancock and her best friend Vicki decide to open a bookstore café in their new town of Pine Hills, they decide to call it "Death by Coffee," after Krissy’s father’s most famous mystery novel. Little do they know how well the name fits…

On their very first day of business, Brendon Lawyer huffily takes his coffee…to the grave. It seems he had a severe allergy to peanuts…but how could there have been nuts in his coffee? And who stole his emergency allergy medication?

Fortunately, Krissy’s love of puzzles and mysteries leads her not only to Officer Paul Dalton, but also to many of her new neighbors, who aren’t terribly upset that the book is closed on Brendon. But one of them is a killer, and Krissy needs to read between the lies if she wants to save her new store—and live to see how this story ends.

Available now!


Alex and his publisher Kensington Books 
are giving away 2 copies of 
Enter using the first Rafflecopter form at the end of this post. They giveaway is tour wide, so you may enter from any blog on the tour, but not all. 

You can find a complete tour list at the link below. 

Kensington Books is also 
giving away his fun 
Sewing Kit!

Enter  to win the sewing kit using the second Rafflecopter form 
at the end of this post. 


Author Alex Erickson is off to a wonderful start with DEATH BY COFFEE. I had been looking forward to reading this first book in the new Bookstore Café Mystery series. I saw the cover online months ago and couldn’t wait for it to be released. It was worth the wait and I was not disappointed!

The setting of the connecting bookstore and café was delightful. I often wish I had a place like this locally. The owners of this wonderful shop, DEATH BY COFFEE (Same name as the book), Krissy Hancock and her best friend Vicki Peterson, are a fun pair. Their personalities play well off each other. I can’t wait to learn more about them in future books.

The murder in the book happens almost right away. Normally I prefer it to take place later in the story, but I didn’t like the victim anyway, so I was okay with it. ;-) The story and the mystery of who the killer was flowed at a great pace. The reveal was a surprise to me. I love when I don’t see it coming.

DEATH BY COFFEE gets added to my list of books I couldn’t put down! Mr. Erickson has insured that I will be adding this new series to me must read list.

Check out the back of the book for a sneak peek of Book 2 in the Bookstore Café series, DEATH BY TEA, coming in December of 2015. This year…yay!

About the author

Alex Erickson has always wanted to write, even at a young, impressionable age. He’s always had an interest in the motive behind murder, which has led him down his current path. He’s always ready with a witty—at least in his opinion—quip, and tries to keep every conversation light and friendly. Alex lives in Ohio with his family and resident felines, who provide endless amounts of inspiration. 

You can visit him on Twitter at
and on Facebook at 


a Rafflecopter giveaway


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for your review on this book because Death by Coffee sounds amazing! I am looking forward to reading it. :)

  2. Thanks, Lisa. Reading w/b my escape, today. :)

  3. I cannot wait to read this!!!

  4. Alex, the premise of your book sounds great. I also have a cozy mystery out where a person has a peanut allergy and dies. I love the setting. What could be cozier than a bookstore cafe?

    Lisa, your review totally makes me want to read this book. Thank you, Alex and Lisa.

  5. It would be death by coffee - I don't drink coffee. Book sounds interesting so I'd like to try it. The sewing kit sounds nice.

  6. My daughter and I once talked about having a coffee shop connected to a bookstore. A perfect combination! The books sounds good.

  7. What could be a more perfect setting than a coffee shop with a bookstore included. I am pining to obtain a copy of this book. Thanks for the opportunity to possibly win one.

  8. Thanks for the opportunity!

  9. That was a great review, Lisa. I'm looking forward to reading it. I'm having surgery for that dreaded disease no woman wants to have, so reading a good book will help me get through the dark days. Thank you for the chance to win this giveaway.

  10. I enjoyed your review, Lisa, and am looking forward to reading this book. I'm having surgery in two weeks for the dreaded disease that no woman wants to have. Reading Eric's book will help me get through the dark days. Thank you for the chance to win this giveaway.

  11. Another great blog post, Lisa, and me knowing that I just HAVE to get this book and the next one about Tea!! I too wish our town or any town near by for that matter, would have a bookstore, never mind one with a café. How great that would be, but not one with murders of course. Your blog gives me a much needed lift each day and also the possibility of becoming a recipients of a wonderful book, so that is a real fun thing. Like Ruth, I will be having more surgery in the near future and possibly two operations which I find out about tomorrow, so having lots of books to keep our minds busy is a great idea. Thank you.

  12. This book sounds intriguing. What a wonderful feature and giveaway. Thanks for this great review, and fascinating novel. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  13. This comment is in reference to the Kensington Sewing Kit. It would be a wonderful addition to my small collection. Thank you for the chance to win this giveaway.

  14. I wish we had a bookstore and coffee cafe nearby. I loved your review and now it's on my wish list.

  15. Coffee and cozies are a perfect combination. Thanks for the review and for the chance to win.

  16. I enjoyed reading the review and getting to know the author. I would like to win this for me wife of 46 years. She is going through surgery in two weeks and she's going to need some wonderful books to read during this difficult time. Thank you for the chance to win this for her.

  17. I entReed the Rafflecopter for the Kensington Books Sewing Kit. I have a feeling that I going to have to do some sewing repairs as my wife heals from surgery. Thank you for the chance to win this giveaway.
