
Saturday, May 16, 2015

Book 10 in the Bibliophile Mystery series 
by Kate Carlisle

When book-restoration expert Brooklyn Wainwright temporarily relocates to her parents’ place in Northern California, she finds that wooden barrels aren’t the only things buried in the wine caves of Sonoma….
Excited to explore the secrets of wine country, Brooklyn attends an excavation of the caves hidden deep under her parents’ commune—and the findings are explosive. A room is unearthed, and it contains a treasure trove of artwork, rare books, a chest of jewelry…and a perfectly mummified body.
A closer examination of the murdered man’s possessions reveals a valuable first edition of Jules Verne’s A Journey to the Center of the Earth. Hidden in the book is a secret map that unveils an even greater hoard of treasures brought to California by French winemakers fleeing the Nazi invasion with the commune leader’s grandfather, Anton, among them.
As reporters and art appraisers flock to Sonoma to see the precious bounty, questions begin to rise—did Anton hide these items to protect them, or did he steal them for himself? Who is the mysterious man left for dead inside the cave? But not all crime is buried in the past. When a new presence threatens the town’s peace, Brooklyn decides to do a little excavating of her own and solve the mystery of the treasure before anyone else is written off.


RIPPED FROM THE PAGES was simply a wonderful book. Author Kate Carlisle has done another fantastic job of penning an edge of your comfy reading chair mystery. Brava!

I really enjoyed the excavation and discovery of the hidden room with all the amazing treasures including, but certainly not limited to, rare books. It’s the sort of place many of us would love to discover, with the exception of the body. Who am I kidding, that would be pretty exciting too, wouldn’t it? Ms. Carlisle’s descriptions of the room were so vivid I could see it as I read. It was so easy to picture myself in the center of it all. My mind began working right away on who the body was, how it got there, and who was responsible.

The characters in the series are so easy to connect to and are a lot of fun to read. As always, it was a delight to spend time with them. Brooklyn’s (the lead character) mom is a hoot. I thought my Mom could be ornery, but this lady is a real handful!

Filled with tons of twists and turns, this was a thrilling read that culminated in a satisfying reveal. If you’re a fan of the Bibliophile Mystery series, you are going to love this installment! If you haven’t read the series, you can start with this book and not feel too lost. It will however make you want to go back and start the series from the beginning.

If you’re looking for a great weekend read, you are going to want to pick up a copy of RIPPED FROM THE PAGES.

Kate Carlisle
is available for pre-order 
and releases 
Tuesday, June 2

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thanks, Lisa! I've got some catching up to do on this series. Hope you're having a great weekend!

  2. I REALLY liked this one. I've liked all the books that I have read in this series but this was my favorite.

  3. Thanks for the review. I do need to catch up on this series.....oh what fun to be had!

  4. All of Kate's books that I have read have been so good and I hope to get Ripped From the Pages soon and get that read as well. The cozy mystery writers are all such good story tellers and I am so glad that I have been hooked on this genre since it just about began. No more nightmares from violent crime and no lasting and lingering feelings like almost everyone had with those really scary mysteries. How great is that??? Thank you Lisa for reminding me to get this book ordered.

