
Friday, May 8, 2015

Cozy Food Friday!

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!

Today I'm featuring a recipe from the cozy mystery 
Book 1 in the Deep Fried Mystery series
Linda Reilly

Talia Marby serves up delectable English deep fried fare in the heart of the Berkshires—but she soon discovers there’s something fishy going on…
Sometimes in this life, you have to fish or cut bait. After walking away from a miserable job and an even worse boyfriend, Talia Marby has no regrets. She’s returned to her hometown and is happy to help her dear friend Bea Lambert by working at Lambert’s Fish & Chips, a cornerstone of a charming shopping plaza designed to resemble an old English village.
But not all the shop owners are charming. Phil Turnbull has been pestering Bea to sign a petition against a new store opening up, and his constant badgering is enough to make her want to boil him in oil. When Talia and Bea stumble upon Turnbull murdered in his shop, the police suspect Bea. Now it’s up to Talia to fish around for clues and hook the real killer before her friend has to trade serving food for serving time…

Includes delicious recipes!


This new series had me at Deep Fried! I had been looking forward to reading since I had first heard about it. It was worth the wait.

In this first book in the Deep Fried Mystery series, author Linda Reilly has created a delightful cast of characters, as well as an enchanting setting. I knew even before finishing the first chapter of FILLET OF MURDER I was going to love this book . . . and I did!

I immensely enjoyed the relationship between lead character Talia Marby and her friend, and owner of Lambert’s Fish & Chips, Bea Lambert. They really played well off each other and have a wonderful mother/daughter vibe. As for the fish & chips restaurant, I have no doubt that would be my hangout. I could smell the incredible scents of fried food while reading, and more than once heard my stomach growling. Speaking of growling tums, Ms. Reilly has included a couple of tasty recipes to use as side dishes for your next fish & chips (or any other) dinner!

This mystery had a wonderful plot and was extremely well written. There were enough red herrings (or in this case, haddock) to keep my guessing until the surprising reveal. I did not see it coming. Well done Ms. Reilly!

FILLET OF MURDER is one of the most delicious introductions to a new series (first books) I have read so far this year and has secured a spot in my top five favorites! If you’re looking for a new cozy series to whet your appetite for mystery, FILLET OF MURDER is the perfect choice! 

Today's recipe



1/2 head of green cabbage, shredded
1/2 head of red cabbage, shredded 
2 medium carrots, shredded 
1 large shallot, diced 
1/2 cup mayonnaise 
1/4 cup sour cream 
1 tsp. white sugar 
1 tbs. chipotle paste
2 tsps. salt 
Finely ground black pepper (to taste, about 1/4 tsp.)


Using a box grater or food processor, shred the cabbage and plaice it into a colander.

Sprinkle the salt over the cabbage and combine, then place a plate over the cabbage and weight it with a large can of tomatoes or something of similar weight.

Place the colander into a bowl and refrigerate for an hours. This will allow the excess water to drain. 

In the meantime, prepare the dressing, whisking together the diced shallot, mayonnaise, sour cream, white sugar, chipotle paste, and ground black pepper. 

Drain and rinse cabbage and dry thoroughly with paper towels. 

Combine cabbage and carrots. 

Add the dressing a little at a time until you've reached your desired consistency. 

Chill before serving. 

Serves 8 to 10

NOTE: All images are from Google Images and Pinterest. 
Your dish may vary in appearance.

This is of course a wonderful side dish or   
serve it on top of burgers, hotdogs or tacos!

Okay, who besides me is 
good and hungry now?

is available in bookstores and online!

Please keep reading and check out my 
installments of 
Book Beginnings on Fridays
The Friday 56


My Book Beginnings and Friday 56
 for this week are from 

Book 13 in the Knitting Mystery series
by Maggie Sefton

In the latest novel from the New York Times bestselling author of Yarn Over Murder, Kelly Flynn and the Lambspun Knitters must unravel the truth from the lies to clear a friend’s son suspected of murder…

Kelly Flynn’s summer in Fort Connor, Colorado, is off to a great start with romantic celebrations with her boyfriend, Steve, and enjoyable—albeit challenging—knitting classes taught by her friend Barb at the House of Lambspun. But while Barb’s advanced stitches are giving Kelly the slip, a more deadly problem soon has her friend coming apart at the seams.

A young woman has accused Barb’s son, Tommy—a young doctor doing his residency—of assaulting her. The yarns spun by the local rumor mill are bad enough, but when the young woman is found dead in her ransacked apartment, Tommy becomes the number one suspect.

The police are ready to close the case, but Kelly is convinced that there are a few more likely suspects. Now she has to knit together the clues herself to uncover a killer who doesn’t seem to drop a stitch.

Book Beginnings on Fridays is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading

My Book Beginnings...

A Monday in early July, one year after the High Park Wildfire

Kelly Flynn pushed open the heavy wooden entry door of the Lambspun knitting shop and stepped inside the foyer. Shop owner Mimi Shafer Parker was draping a rainbow-hued knitted shawl across the doors of an antique dry sink in the corner. 

"Good morning, Mimi. I thought I'd get a coffee refill and hear how your camping trip went this past weekend."

Mimi gave Kelly a big smile. "It was great. Weather was perfect. Cassie had a ball learning how to cook over the camp stove."

"I tried scrambling eggs over a campfire once, and they got pretty hard. Almost inedible," Kelly said as she walked through the central yarn room to the main knitting room and dumped her shoulder bag onto the long library table there. "Hopefully Cassie did better than I did."  

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice
Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's okay.) *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you. *Post it.

My Friday 56...

Lisa exhaled a long breath and sipped her iced tea. 

Kelly was stunned by the litany of bad things that happened to _________ _____. "Good Lord! It sounds like that man's whole life imploded after being accused." 

"That's a good way to describe it. I tell you, it depressed me just listening to it."  

June 2
Pre-order now! 

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.


  1. Fillet of Murder sounds awesome and I love the tag line! And, I have to say it - that cat looks so cute! :)

    Purl Up and Die also sounds very promising! Thanks for sharing.

    Check out my 56 (With Book Beginnings)

  2. I love cozies! I haven't read a Sefton book yet but one is on my TBR.

  3. All of these books sound really fun! I keep seeing cozy/foodie thrillers around and the more I see them the more I think they may be ones for me! Also, I need to make coleslaw! I love it myself but have never made it! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great week!
    My Friday post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  4. I love knitting cozies! This one promises to be a good one ~

  5. Maggie's books are always terrific, so I'm looking forward to this latest edition. And I'm reading FILLET OF MURDER now and can tell you that it's absolutely fabulous. And yes ... these pictures are making me hungry. I love coleslaw anytime, but especially on a fish sandwich. Yum!

  6. Thanks, Lisa! The slaw looks delicious! I will admit to loving KFC's coleslaw and love "slaw dogs". Fillet of Murder is on my ever-enlarging TBR list!

  7. I love a good cozy mystery, and I'm drawn in by photos of tempting food. Thanks for sharing! Here's mine, the book, not the food: “EAT THE DOCUMENT”

  8. I am looking forward to Fillet of Murder too!

  9. This recipe for cole slaw sounds great. I cannot begin to tell you how I was almost shocked to see and taste a particular cole slaw while visiting with my friend Darlene in North Carolina the week before this. We went to a BBQ and fried chicken place but due to them using canola oil to fry in and use in preparation of other foods, I could only have limited items that didn't use canola. So, I got the plain boiled ribs (2 pieces) and the potato salad and cole slaw. I won't comment on anything else, but the cole slaw. When the plate was put in front of me, I saw what looked like yellow rice next to the potato salad. When the waitress came back around, I mentioned that I had ordered the cole slaw and not the yellow rice. She said, oh, that IS the cole slaw. It was bright yellow and finely minced looking just like rice. Even my friend thought it was rice. So, I proceeded to taste it. Whoa. Yellow mustard with no mayo, no sour cream, nothing but mustard and cabbage. Let me just say, it definitely is a cole slaw that you need to get used to slowly. :) Wondering if any other places in NC, etc. make theirs with only yellow mustard. I definitely am a mayo/vinegar/sour cream person as much as I like mustard on hot doges, etc. it just was not something that I liked in cole slaw. Just had to share, Lisa. :) Thank you for reading.

  10. Slaw looks yummy! Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Looks like a great cozy!
    I like coleslaw a lot too. I love it on my hotdogs. That recipe looks different and I like different. Thanks for sharing!
    Happy weekend!

  12. Interesting coleslaw recipe, with chipotle. And the books all sound good too!
