
Sunday, May 31, 2015

FAT CAT SPREADS OUT by Janet Cantrell
FATAL FORTUNE by Victoria Laurie

Book 2 the Fat Cat Mystery series 
by Janet Cantrell

Butterscotch tabby Quincy is back and hungrier than ever in this frisky follow-up to Fat Cat at Large… 

A booth at the Bunyan County Harvest Fair seems like the perfect opportunity for Charity “Chase” Oliver and Anna Larson to promote their Bar None bakery business. Unfortunately, plus-sized pussycat Quincy has plans for their delicious dessert bars other than selling them to customers. After tearing through their inventory, Quincy goes roaming the fairgrounds in search of more delights.

But what he finds is murder. One of the top contenders in a butter-sculpting contest has been killed, and Chase is churning on the inside when she sees Quincy’s handsome veterinarian, Dr. Mike Ramos, being led away by the police. With a little help from a kitty with butter on his whiskers, Chase needs to find the real killer and clear the doctor’s good name.

Includes recipes for people and cats!


This is such a delightful series. Author Janet Cantrell has created a wonderful setting, with such likable characters, and some hilarious situations. She has truly embraced the cozy mystery genre, and I for one can’t get enough!

It was great to be back at The Bar None with Charity “Charlie”, Anna, and of course, that fat cat tabby himself, Quincy. Getting to read the thoughts going on in Quincy’s head is so fun! I’ve often wondered what my own pets are thinking.

For as much as I loved book one, FAT CAT AT LARGE, I have to say that this second installment, FAT CAT SPREADS OUT, was even better! The plot was perfection. The mystery was well thought out and had me scratching my head trying to figure out “whodunit” and why. I laughed out loud so often I lost count. And the thought of all those yummy treats had my tum growling through most of the book.

FAT CAT SPREADS OUT, indeed, the Fat Cat series itself, has everything a cozy mystery fan is looking for and more. Ms. Cantrell has penned one of the must read mysteries of the year!

And check out the back of the book for two great recipes. One for humans and one for cats!


Book 12 the Physic Eye Mystery series 
by Victoria Laurie

Fans of Harper Connelly and TV’s Medium will love the psychic detective in this New York Times bestselling series…. 

Abby Cooper can’t believe her eyes after the police show her surveillance video of her best friend and business partner, Candice Fusco, shooting a man in cold blood. And when the cops tell her they think the victim has ties to the Mob—and perhaps Candice does too—Abby can’t believe her ears. Surely there is a logical explanation. But Candice is nowhere to be found.

Trusting her intuition, Abby decides to search for the truth in Vegas—which may be the biggest gamble of her life. Once in town she begins to uncover a rigged game of dirty double-dealing where the stakes are no less than life and death. And if she’s not careful, Abby can forget about ever leaving Las Vegas...alive.


I’ve only heard wonderful things about the Physic Eye Mystery series. Starting with book 11 didn’t have me at the disadvantage I thought it would. I found myself far into the book before I knew it.

Author Victoria Laurie is such a talented writer. While this was not quite a cozy in my opinion, it was an exciting mystery. The action started on page one and just kept gaining momentum right up to the reveal.

I don’t read many paranormals, though I do follow a few paracozy (I just made that word up) series that I love. The physic aspect of this book wasn’t too heavy, so it didn’t feel like it was the only focus of the story. To me, that’s a good thing.

All in all, FATAL FORTUNE is a book that will appeal to a variety of readers of different genres. But for those of you who follow my reviews to find new cozies, this does have a more thriller type of vive than one of a traditional cozy. 

Check out the back for the book when you’re done for a sneak peek of SENSE OF DECEPTON, lucky number thirteen in the Physic Eye series. 

are now available for pre-order! 

Both titles release 
Tuesday, June 2!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thank you for the reviews. I will have to add the books to my TBR list. :)

  2. Thanks, Lisa! Love your Happy Sunday pic! :)

  3. Fat Cat sure looks like my son's cat, Boba Fett! I don't know how long it will take my new granddaughter to be as big as he is.

  4. Thanks for the reviews, Both these books sound great! Have a wonderful week!
