
Sunday, May 3, 2015

BOOK CLUBBED by Lorna Barrett

Book 8 in the Booktown Mystery series 
by Lorna Barrett

The New York Times bestselling author of Not the Killing Type is back in Booktown with another page-turning mystery. Bookstore owner Tricia Miles and her sister, Angelica, must put their problems on the shelf to catch a killer who turns a bookcase into a murder weapon…

After cranky Chamber of Commerce receptionist Betsy Dittmeyer is crushed by a fallen bookcase, the next item to be read is her will, which is packed with surprises. It seems Betsy was hiding volumes of secrets behind her perpetual frown—one of which might have been a motive for murder.

While Tricia tries to help Angelica—the newly elected Chamber of Commerce president—solve the mystery, she discovers a hidden chapter in her own family history. And with her ex-husband and the chief of police vying for her affections, it’s doubly hard to focus on who buried Betsy in a tomb of tomes.

But Tricia and Angelica will need to watch their step carefully to make sure the killer doesn’t catch them between the stacks.


I was so excited to finally get my hands on this book! When I stared reading cozy mysteries several years ago, the Booktown series was one of the first I read. If it hadn’t been for this series and a few others, my love for cozies may have been short lived.

BOOK CLUBBED is now my favorite book in this series. It had all of the same wonderful storytelling as the volumes that came before, but amped up to a whole new level. Author Lorna Barrett held nothing back with this one, calling on al of her talent as a writer. Action packed with one exciting story twist after another, I was left breathless by the end.

And keep reading after the story is over for yummy recipes, and a sneak peek of the next Booktown mystery, A FATAL CHAPTER!

If you’re already a fan of the Booktown Mysteries, you are going to be blown away when you read BOOK CLUBBED. If you haven’t started this series yet, do yourself a favor and please do. But I suggest getting them all at the same time because you’re going to want to binge read this series! 


Book 5 in the Threadville Mystery series 
by Janet Bolin

Fashion turns killer in the latest novel from the national bestselling author of the Threadville mysteries…
Threadville, Pennsylvania, is famous for its fabric, needlecraft, and embroidery, so it’s only natural that it would become the home of the Threadville Academy of Design and Modeling. While Willow Vanderling has certainly never wanted to be a model, here she is, voluntarily strutting her stuff in a charity runway show in outrageous clothing, all to support the Academy’s scholarship fund.
But the lascivious, mean-spirited director of the academy, Antonio, is making the fashion show a less-than-fabulous affair. After Antonio plays a shocking prank on Willow and her friends that doesn’t exactly leave the ladies in stitches, he mysteriously winds up dead—and someone is trying to pin the blame on Willow.
Now, she must do whatever it takes in order to clear her name, even if it means needling around in other people’s secrets.


Author Janet Bolin has embroidered another delightful creation in this latest addition of the Threadville Mystery series.

SEVEN THREADLY SINS in the fifth installment of this wonderful mystery series, and one of the best. It was a real page turner and kept me speculating all the way through.

This story was very well written and cleverly crafted. It contained lots of surprises and misleads, red herrings as they say, right up until the exciting reveal.

I want to thank author Bolin for writing a victim that all readers of this book will be happy to see killed off. LOL I almost didn’t care who the killer was because I was happy to see this gut done in. ;-) But on a serious note, because he was so unliked, it really opened up the suspect pool to make this mystery even harder to solve.

I don’t feel you need to know about needlecrafts to enjoy this book. Sewing on buttons is about all I can do, and I really liked it. But for those of you who do needlecrafts, there is a machine embroidery project at the end of the book, as well as some helpful tips from protagonist, Willow.

Both of these great titles are 
available for pre-order for their 
Tuesday, May 5 release date! 

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thanks, Lisa! I enjoy both these series and am looking forward to release day, Tuesday. Love your peaceful Sunday photo...Old Country Roses!

  2. I enjoy both series! Can't wait for Tuesday for Janet's new one. Your comments on Book Clibbed are spot on! I read it in hardcover lat summer!

  3. Love to read stitchery-related books. I did needlepoint (got into card making and gave up the needlepoint) so I enjoy anything related to fabric arts. Anything to do with books is fine with me.

    1. LOL I can sew small holes and stitch on buttons, beyond that, I would be dangerous with a needle.

  4. Another series for me to check out...can't wait!

  5. Thank for the reviews of the books. They sound terrific!

  6. Thank you for the lovely review, Lisa.
