
Friday, May 1, 2015

Cozy Food Friday!

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!

Today's recipe comes from

More Than 100 Recipes From
Today’s Bestselling Mystery Authors

Avery Aames/Daryl Wood Gerber

Ellery Adams ~ Connie Archer

Leslie Budewitz ~ Laura Childs

Cleo Coyle ~ Victoria Hamilton

B. B. Haywood ~ Julie Hyzy

Jenn McKinlay ~ Paige Shelton

Great meals don’t have to be a mystery—but they can come from a mystery. Selecting the most delicious recipes from some of the most popular names in crime solving, The Cozy Cookbook serves up mouth-watering appetizers, entrèes, and desserts that will leave your family or book club group asking, “Whodunit?”

In addition to recipes, choose a sleuth du jour from our menu of mystery series and get a taste of each of our authors’ bread and butter—page-turning puzzles and stay-up-all-night suspense in excerpts from their bestselling works.

Whether you like your meals sautéed, roasted, baked, or served cold like revenge, The Cozy Cookbook has something to satisfy every mystery fan.
This book contains previously published material.


THE COZY COOKBOOK is a must have for every cozy mystery fan. You will see so many of your favorite authors included. And cookbook collectors will want to add this book to their collection as well. The mouthwatering recipes by these talented authors are simply amazing!

When I first heard this book was going to be published, I knew I had to have a copy. When I got my happy hands on it, I read it through, cover to cover in less than two days.

The chapters cover a wide range of recipes including Breakfast, Breads, Soups, Drinks, Appetizers, Main Courses, Desserts, and more! From super easy to a bit more work, but they all sound so fantastic!

Interspersed among the recipes are many excerpts from books by the contributing authors. I enjoyed getting to read these shared pieces. They helped me learn more about the series they were taken from and the characters involved.

I profoundly hope the publisher will do The Cozy Cookbook Part II!

The following recipe from 
first appeared in 
Book 7 in the Coffeehouse Mystery series 
Cleo Coyle

Book #7 in New York Times bestselling author Cleo Coyle's Coffeehouse Mystery series...

Coffeehouse manager Clare Cosi has been hired to create a gourmet coffee and dessert bar for her ex-husband?s wedding. But her main problem is bridezilla Breanne Summour. When people close to Breanne begin to suffer fatal accidents, it?s Clare who may get burned. 

This culinary murder mystery includes delicious recipes from the story.

On to the recipe! 

(Glazed Lemon Cookies)

A word from Cleo Coyle

The anginetti are a satisfying treat to have with coffee. Light and buttery with a sweet lemon glaze, they often make their appearance during the holidays, and the sprinkle of nonpareils (confetti in Italian) over the glaze makes them an excellent wedding cookie, too, since the colorful sugar balls call to mind the longstanding wedding tradition of giving guests almonds coated in hard-sugar shells as favor. (The bitterness of the almonds and the sweetness of the sugar represent the bittersweet truths of married life.) While recipes for anginetti vary---some bakers shape figure-eights or knots from a rope of dough, others simply create lemon drops---my version uses the ring shape in honor of Nunzio's wedding rings. My version is also a bit sweeter that the traditional recipes.

Makes 3 to 4 dozen, depending 
on size and shape of cookie

Cookie Ingredients

6 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened 
3/4 cup granulated sugar 
1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 
1/2 teaspoon lemon extract 
1 teaspoon fresh lemon zest (grated from rind) 
1/8 teaspoon salt (pinch or two) 
3 large eggs 
1/4 cup whole milk 
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour (sifted) 
4 teaspoons baking powder

Lemon Glaze Ingredients 

2 tablespoons unsalted butter 
4 tablespoons water
2 teaspoons lemon extract 
2 cups confectioners' sugar (sifted) 

Make Cookies

   With an electric mixer, cream the butter and sugar together with vanilla and lemon extract, lemon zest, and salt. 

   Add eggs and beat for a minute or two until light and fluffy. 

   Add in the flour and baking powder, blending well with the mixer until you have a dough (be careful not to overmix the dough or cookies will be tough). Dough should be soft and sticky. 

   Chill for at least an hour---could dough is easier to work with. 

   Preheat the oven to 350° F.

   Line baking sheet with parchment paper or silicone sheets or spray surface with cooking spray. 

   With well greased hands, shape bits of dough into small ropes (about the thickness of a woman's wedding ring finger), make a ring with the rope of dough about 2 inches in diameter, and press ends together on the baking sheet. Or for lemon drops, simply roll pieces of dough about 1 inch in size and place on baking sheet.  (If you really want to go rustic, then don't even bother chilling the dough. Simply drop teaspoonfuls of the sticky dough onto the baking sheet.) 

   Bake about 10 to 15 minutes. Don't over cook. Baking time may vary, depending on your oven. 

   Let the cookies cool before glazing and decorating. 

Make Glaze

   In a nonstick saucepan, place the butter, water, and lemon extract over low heat. Stir until butter melts. 

   Add confectioners' sugar, a little at a time, stirring constantly. Wait until sugar dissolves before adding more. Continue until all sugar has been added. Stir or whisk until your glaze is smooth. 

   Use pastry brush to glaze your cooled cookies. (Optional: If you wish to add decorations to your cookies, such as nonpareils or colored sugar, be sure to sprinkle while glaze is still warm. I (Cleo Coyle) actually prefer the cookies without decorations, just the lemon glaze.) 

NOTE: The first two photo's are Cleo Coyles. 
All other images are from Google Images and/or Pinterest. Your cookies may vary in appearance. 

It's mentioned that these cookies are often seen at holidays. But I think they sound and look like the perfect spring/summer treat! 
Mmm...I can smell the lemon. :-)

Keep reading to check out my installments of 
Book Beginnings on Fridays
The Friday 56


This week's Book Beginnings and Friday 56 
are from a different book than the one featured for Cozy Food Friday. 

Book 8 in the Booktown Mystery series 

The New York Times bestselling author of Not the Killing Type is back in Booktown with another page-turning mystery. Bookstore owner Tricia Miles and her sister, Angelica, must put their problems on the shelf to catch a killer who turns a bookcase into a murder weapon…

After cranky Chamber of Commerce receptionist Betsy Dittmeyer is crushed by a fallen bookcase, the next item to be read is her will, which is packed with surprises. It seems Betsy was hiding volumes of secrets behind her perpetual frown—one of which might have been a motive for murder.

While Tricia tries to help Angelica—the newly elected Chamber of Commerce president—solve the mystery, she discovers a hidden chapter in her own family history. And with her ex-husband and the chief of police vying for her affections, it’s doubly hard to focus on who buried Betsy in a tomb of tomes.

But Tricia and Angelica will need to watch their step carefully to make sure the killer doesn’t catch them between the stacks.

Pre-order now.
Tuesday, May 5!

Book Beginnings on Fridays is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading

My Book Beginnings this week 

For once the winter weather seemed to be cooperating, meaning that unless any unforeseen complications arose, Tricia Miles, owner of the mystery bookstore Haven't Got A Clue, would get a lot accomplished on that particular Saturday in February. No ice, no snow, and though the sun had not yet made an appearance in Booktown, otherwise known as Stoneham, New Hampshire, the skies were due to clear before lunchtime---hopefully bringing plenty of book-buying customers with it. 

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice
Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's okay.) *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you. *Post it.

My Friday 56 for this week (Page 56 is blank, this is from page 57)

Despite hearing the distressing news about a deceased ____ _______ the night before, Tricia slept heavily and ended up waking later than she'd anticipated. She tried to put those thoughts out of her mind as she went through her usual morning routine and concentrated on the tasks that needed to be accomplished during the day. 

Sorry about the blanks, but no spoilers allowed! ;-)

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think

Also, become a Follower of my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page


  1. Those cookies look scrumptious! :D I need to check out the Cozy Cookbook.

    The Booktown Mystery series is new to me, and I will be checking out the books. The cover of Book Clubbed is too cute!

  2. Clever aversion of spoilers… That recipe is making me wish I had something resembling counter space in my tiny kitchen!

  3. That cookbook is at home, waiting for me when I get there next week. Can't wait to read it!

  4. What delicious books! I love the kitchen on the cover of the cookbook...and I've enjoyed one of the Coffeehouse mysteries...

    Haven't Got a Clue sounds tempting, too. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  5. Thanks, Lisa! Those cookies look delicious and, since it's Cleo Coyle's recipe, I know they are! I'm looking forward to Book Clubbed, next week. Have a great weekend!

  6. Book Clubbed sounds like a delightful cozy. By the way, your blog posts always make me hungry, and I've collected a lot of delicious recipes from them, including anginetti. Yum!
    My Friday post features MIDDLE-AGED CRAZY.

  7. Those cookies look delicious!

  8. Your post made me hungry! LOL

  9. I love that Cozy Cookbook!
    I also make a variation of those cookies, but we call them Tarelles.
    Happy weekend!
