
Monday, April 27, 2015

I'm happy to be hosting a giveaway for 
one Kindle copy of  
Book 2 in the Frosted Love Mystery series.
by author
Carol Durand

Giveaway open Worldwide! 
Please use the Rafflecopter for at the end of the post.

With $50,000 up for grabs in a cupcake competition, Missy Gladstone has to be on her A-game, if she plans on expanding her business, but that doesn't prevent her from deciding to use the competition as an excuse to unwind in Las Vegas while she's there. When she arrives, Missy quickly learns that the reason she's been invited to compete has less to do with her culinary skills and more to do with her old childhood frenemy, who is now a big time celebrity baker with TV shows, a line of bakeware, and a chain of cupcake shops across the country. Knowing that her old rival always had a few tricks up her sleeve, it's no surprise when Missy discovers that the invitation came with ulterior motives. A sticky proposal puts them at odds once again, only this time Missy's business will be on the line. Before Missy knows what's happening, her frenemy is found dead in her hotel room and all eyes are on her. Alone, far from home, Missy will have to reach out to the only ally she has, Detective Becket, and hope that he could help her out of this confectionery mess before its too late.

5Grabbed my interest on the first page........
on April 15, 2015

5A great way to spend an evening, reading this!!
on April 17, 2015

4Short and Sweet Mystery Novella
on April 16, 2015

The author
Carol Durand

Carol Durand grew up on the coast of Maine and is an avid reader of murder mystery novels. 

She get's her inspiration from her love of food, adventure and the cast of characters she calls Family.

Sign up for Carol's newsletter here get notified of new releases! 

As always, please leave a comment and let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. A Pinch of Murder sounds like a fun mystery! Thank you for the giveaway.

  2. I just got the first two books in this series last week. They look so good. I would love to win this one.

  3. Wow! I can't wait to read this series!

  4. Happy Monday, Lisa! I prefer my cupcakes without murder! :)

  5. Thank you for this giveaway.

  6. Wonderful to start a Monday with a Giveaway! Thanks Lisa!! Poor Missy, I hope she wins the competition anyway. Good for her to have an ally in Detective Beckett, and she's gonna need him. Sounds like karma might have gotten her frenemy...? I may have to get cupcakes when I read Ms Durand's, A Pinch of Murder, but sounds like it will be worth it!! Thank you Carol Durand!!
