
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Whodunit Wednesday 

Do you like to solve mysteries?
Do you love to win prizes?
If you said yes to both questions,
you're in the right place! 

It's easy.
Read the story below and if you think you know
Whodunit, enter your answer(s) into 
the Rafflecopter form.

This week's Whodunit is being hosted by author
Rose Pressey!

One lucky winner will receive a copy of 
Book 1  in the Haunted Vintage Mystery series!

Cookie Chanel has a passion for fashion—and a murder mystery to solve! 

Cookie Chanel has opened her own vintage clothing boutique, It’s Vintage, Y’All, in the charming town of Sugar Creek, Georgia. Always on the lookout for stylish second-hand steals, she attends the estate sale of deceased socialite Charlotte Meadows. But she gets a lot more than she bargained for when Charlotte’s ghost appears before her—offering fashion advice and begging Cookie to find out who murdered her. 

As the persistent poltergeist tags along and a possibly psychic pussycat moves into the shop, Cookie sorts through racks of suspects to see who may be hiding some skeletons in the closet. Do a clothing store owner and a disembodied socialite have a ghost of a chance of collaring a killer—or will Cookie’s life be the next one hanging by a thread? 

What readers have had to say...

5.0 out of 5 stars Loved! Loved! Loved! December 2, 2014
By Linda Langford"Chatting About Cozies"


4A fun & enjoyable read that will get you hooked in minutes!
on December 4, 2014


Dawn Frazier rated it 5 of 5 stars
Loved it! What a fun book! I love the main character, Cookie, and her psychic cat, Wind song. Cookie owns a vintage clothing store, and finds herself involved in trying to find a murderer, with help from her new friend, Charlotte the ghost! I was laughing out loud! This will be a new favorite series of mine, and I can't wait for the next book. And according to the quiz in the back of the book, I have psychic cats. Lol!
Giveaway is open Worldwide
Please note:
US winners - choice Print or eBook
Non US winners - eBook only

You really want to win a copy, don't you?

Well then, read the Whodunit and get your entries in!

For my Whodunit Wednesday regulars...
Sherman has asked me to inform you that he has been called in by Scotland Yard to collaborate on a very important case. 
He wants to assure you that he has left you in very good hands with his esteemed colleague
Thomas P. Stanwick

Thomas graduated with high honors from Dartmouth College as a philosophy major and studied logic and history at Cambridge University. 
He now lives alone (with a pet Labrador) in a bungalow in the New England town of Bakerville. 


   The daring theft of half a million dollars from a Wells Fargo armored truck captured the imagination of the entire Royston area. As the Royston Gazette excitedly summarized it, the truck had just been loaded with cash from the First National Bank on the afternoon of June 4 when two or three men appeared, overpowered the guards, piled the money into a pickup truck, and disappeared---all in less than five minutes.

   The investigation was placed in the hands of Inspector Matthew Walker. His skillful inquiries led the police to three men who often worked together and were suspected of several  lesser robberies. 

   Some 10 miles from the city, in the little town of Baskerville, Thomas P. Stanwick, the amateur logician, pushed aside a postal chess analysis and admitted the inspector to his bungalow. 

   "I'm delighted to see you, Matt," said Stanwick as they seated themselves in the living room. "I hear you've been doing fine work on the Wells Fargo case."

   "Thanks, Tom." Walker smiled wearily. "All the public attention has put a lot of pressure on us to solve it and, if possible, recover the money."

   "I've also heard you have some suspects under surveillance."

   "That's right. This is strictly confidential, of course." Walker leaned forward in his armchair. "We have conclusive evidence that Charles Acker, Bull Barrington, and Adam Crowley organized the job, and at least two of the actually carried it out. We've been monitoring their communications, hoping to get more information. The money has been hidden, and not all three of them know where it is. It would aid us enormously to find out who knows it's location."

   "To complicate matters, at least one of them communicates by a 'lying code', in which everything he says is false. The others speak truthfully. We don't know which is which."

   Stanwick idly twisted the tip of his mustache and chuckled. 

   "Quite a problem. Can I help?"

   "I hope so." Walker flipped open his notebook. "These are the only helpful statements we've been able to intercept that might tell us who's lying and who knows where the money is: 

  Acker: Barrington is using the lying code, and I know where the money is.

   Barrington: Acker was out of town at the times of the robbery. 

   Crowley: Acker was in town at the time of the robbery if and only if he knows where the money is. 

   Barrington: I don't use the lying code.

   Acker: Either I was in town at the time of the robbery or Crowley does not use the lying code. 

   Crowley: Not all of us use the lying code. I don't know where the money is.

   "As you see, it's a bit of a tangle," Walker concluded. 

    Stanwick took and studied the notebook for a few minutes, and then handed it back.

   "My dinner's almost ready," he said, standing up. "Pot roast, potatoes, and peas. Since you'll be working late anyway, I hope you can stay long enough to join me. In the meantime, I'll be glad to tell you who is lying, and at least one man who knows where the money is." 

Who is lying?

Who knows where the money is? 

Is your head spinning as fast as mine?

The Whodunit solution will be posted on tomorrow's blog .

I want to thank Rose Pressey for hosting this week's Whodunit Wednesday.

Learn more about Rose Pressey.

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Want to follow my blog? 
Click on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Happy Wednesday, Lisa! This one is a brain teaser! :)

  2. Happy Wednesday to you Lisa! My head hurts too! I can"t wait to see this one solved! What fun for a mystery lover though! I'm new to your blog and I love it!! Thank you!

  3. This was a lot of fun. Can't wait to see the answers.

    1. Amanda, LOL. I know they answer and still don't understand it. ;-)

  4. I am promising myself that I will get this before the time runs out for the contest. I know that I have to concentrate on it, but it is difficult today with two grandchildren around and many interruptions, but don't get me wrong, I LOVE having my grandchildren here, wish it were all three of them actually. I will get these answers, I will get these answers......... :) Cynthia B

    1. Cynthia, this one is hard enough with peace and quiet. But with a house full of kids? Yikes!
