
Monday, February 9, 2015


Do you like to solve puzzles?
Do you love to win prizes?
If you said yes to both questions,
you're in the right place! 

It's easy.
Below are five scrambled cozy mystery titles.
Unscramble the titles and enter your answers into 
the Rafflecopter form below.

The more titles you guess correctly, 
the more chances you have to win!

This week's Monday Mystery Mashup is being hosted  by author
Connie Archer!

Connie is giving away a copy of  
Book 3 in her Soup Lovers Mystery series!

Snowflake, Vermont, is known for its skiing in winter—and its soup all year round, thanks to Lucky Jamieson’s By the Spoonful. Autumn brings golden leaves, pumpkin rice soup, the annual Harvest Festival…and murder.
Lucky’s soup shop is busier than usual this October, with groups of itinerant travelers in town to work the Harvest Festival. One newcomer seems to take a particular interest in Lucky’s young waitress, Janie, spying on her from across the street. Is the stranger stalking Janie?
After an unidentified man is found murdered in a van by the side of the road, simmering suspicions about the travelers are brought to a boil. But when Janie is put in harm’s way, Lucky must join forces with the travelers to turn up the heat on a killer…
Recipes included!

My Review

I’ve enjoyed my previous stays in Snowflake, Vermont so much that I just had to come back again when A ROUX OF REVENGE came out. And this was my most favorite visit of all. I was thrilled to be back with Lucky Jamieson, Jack her grandfather and the residents of this lovely town. Lucky’s soup shop, By the Spoonful was as welcoming as always with wonderful soups and sandwiches. Oh yeah, there was another dead body too!

I truly enjoyed learning more about Janie, Lucky’s young waitress. I was so intrigued as to how the mystery of the dead stranger in the van was going to tie into the storyline of the man watching Janie and the travelers in town who came 
to work at the annual Harvest Festival.

Ms. Archer weaved an amazing story in this third book in the Soup Lover’s series. I found myself constantly surprised with every new twist in the book. I was so caught up in the story that I didn’t want to put the book down.

A ROUX OF REVENGE has assured there will be a fourth installment in this wonderful series. And I for one am looking forward to it!

Giveaway is open to US and Canada

Please, only leave your guesses 

through Rafflecopter

Learn more about author Connie Archer

Let's get to unmashing those cozy titles!

1. Slgodes Nad Unfod 

2. Nfila Ofer

3. Uipscsino Ta Veens

4. Setwtdi Dtersha

5. Lsmal Otnw Psni

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.



  1. Hello, Lisa...marvelous Monday to you, too! I love the titles, in this series, and the cover of "Ladle to the Grave", releasing in March, is so eye-catching.

    1. Thank you, Pat! I am so looking forward to LADLE TO THE GRAVE. I have a scheduled blog tour coming up for Connie for Ladle!

  2. Love Monday Mash up! Thank you! Good luck all!

  3. This language looks familiar--are they all in German? Or is my brain just too dense to bf able to un-mash these? 😜

    1. LOL. Some of them really are funny looking when mashed up.

  4. I look forward to this every week. A lot of fun and taxing for my brain.
    thanks for having the mashup.

  5. Monday Mash Up makes my day! I love word puzzles and yours are fun. Funny, my husband looked at it and asked if it was Bohemian.
