
Saturday, February 14, 2015

I'm thrilled this weekend to be hosting a giveaway for one copy of  
Book 2 in the Whales And Tails Mystery series.
by author 
Kathi Daley 

When a cat named Alice comes into her life, Cait begins to suspect that Alice may hold the answers to the mystery surrounding the body she found in the church as well as the person behind her aunt's illness. Join Cait and her feline and human friends as they track down a killer and save a community.

Open to US and Canada

US - Choice of Print or Kindle copy
Canada - Kindle copy only

Please use the Rafflecopter for at the end of the post.


Author Kathi Daley has a real feel for what her readers want. Beautiful setting, plenty of animal friends, and characters that you want to be around.

This second book in Ms. Daley’s Whales & Tails series is even better than the first installment, ROMEOW AND JULIET. Being back on the island of Madrona was a joy. I can totally see myself living in a place like that and having friends like Cait and Tara. And I would for sure want to go into business with them on their coffee bar/bookstore.

Kathi Daley takes her mysteries just far enough. Not so long that you become bore and not so short that your head spins. She really kept me guessing as Cait had her hands full with someone poisoning her aunt, and finding a dead body in the church! Thank goodness Alice the cat shows up. She can’t talk, but she can sure lead to clues. I also loved the introduction of the little girl Haley. I hope we get to see a lot more of her. She was a perfect addition to this story.

If the author keeps writing other books in this series as she has the first two installments, look for the Whales & Tails series to be around for a very long time. 

The are also wonderful recipes from both Kathi and her readers!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Loved the first one! Romeow & Juliet!

  2. Love all of Kathi's books! Thanks for the chance!

  3. This one sounds great... good characters...
    Marilyn Watson

  4. I would love to read this book.........thank you for the giveaway!!
    have a great weekend!!!

  5. I loved Romeow and Juliet....can't wait to read this one as well!

  6. I haven't yet read the first one...slow down Kathi Daley LOL

  7. Thanks for the giveaway! I love Kathi ' s books!

  8. Lisa, you're right, Kathi certainly does know what her readers want! Thank you for another great review and contest!

  9. I am reading the first book so winning this would be wonderful!!!!!!!

  10. Love books with animals.
    Happy Valentine's Day

  11. Thanks for The Mad Catter giveaway. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your loved ones!

  12. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day, thanks for all the great reviews.

  13. Great review, Lisa. You describe Kathi's books perfectly, and we love them.

  14. I love Kathi's books. I'd love to win a copy!

  15. I really want to read this series. I liked your review of The Mad Carter.

  16. Happy Valentine's Day! i have been looking forward to reading this new series by Kathy as well. the first book title is was caught my eye as my dogs' name are taken from Shakespeare's play as well romeo and tybalt LOL

  17. Sounds like a great read. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY.

  18. Happy Valentine's Day! I just love the cover. These are my favorite kind of books, a cozy mystery with kitties in it.

  19. Great review and interesting series. Thanks a lot.

  20. Happy Valentines Day. Love Kathi Daley's books!

  21. Happy Valentine's Day Y'all!!!
    Robin in NC rw620 at aol dot com

  22. I was hooked at, "finding a dead body in a church!" Happy Valentine's Day!! Thank You!!

  23. It looks like I had better get started on this series!

  24. Happy Belated Valentines Day! I am excited to read this mystery series. Thank you for the giveaway.

  25. Cats are so perfect in oozies. I can hardly wait to read this book. Thanks for the contest.

  26. I promised not to buy anymore books while we're getting the house ready to sell. MUST FOCUS! But winning one is ok. ;)
