
Thursday, February 5, 2015


When I worked on this post yesterday 
my plan was to just feature a review of 
DEAD MAN WALKER by Duffy Brown.
So I sent Duffy a message and told her, you know, thinking she would like to check it out. 
But Duffy being the sweetie she is, writes back and offers a giveaway! 

2 lucky winners will each receive a
Lunch Tote!!!

Releases in April!

To enter to win one of these awesome lunch totes, use the Rafflecopter at the end of this post.

Giveaway open to 
US and Canada 

Thank you, Duffy!

Novella in the Consignment Shop Mystery series
Duffy Brown

It’s springtime in Savannah, the azaleas and magnolias are in bloom, and Reagan Summerside’s consignment shop, the Prissy Fox, is bustling with customers out to enjoy the beautiful weather. On a day like today, what could go wrong?

As a mortician beautician and housekeeper, Mercedes is no stranger to corpses or messy bathrooms. But the last thing she expects to find in a client’s bathtub is a dead body! Now she’s a murder suspect and it seems like her life is going down the drain. She turns to local lawyer Walker Boone to get her out of hot water.

But Walker has his own surprising connections to the dead man in the tub, and now he needs Reagan’s help to clear his own name—and keep him alive…

Includes a preview of the Consignment Shop Mystery, Demise in Denim.

My Review

This delightful novella was just the thing I needed to fill the void while waiting for Duffy Brown’s new full length Consignment Shop Mystery, DEMISE IN DENIM.

Unlike like the other books in the series, this novella, DEAD MAN WALKER, is told from the point of view of attorney Walker Boone instead of series protagonist, Reagan Summerside. I found this to be very fun! It was nice to be in a different character’s head and see how he viewed things.

Don’t let the length of this story fool you. Ms. Brown packed a lot of mystery, charm, and excitement into this shortened version from her series. Her writing is up to her usual standard, and her wit just as sharp.

Fans of the Consignment Shop Mysteries are going to love this short story.

NOTE: If you don’t have an eReader, both Amazon and Barnes & Noble have free apps you can load to your computer that will enable you to read this book.

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page. 


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Answer to Whodunit Wednesday



   "You can't know who it is." Given Sherman's record, Sergeant Wilson hated to disagree, but this was one time when he saw no possible explanation. "Are you saying their alibis won't check out?"

"Not at all," said Sherman. "They might indeed. Chuck might well have been on the phone the entire time. The same might be true for Tyrone. As for Dominique, if we didn't believe Mrs. Watt's testimony, then we could check the time stamp on the video recorder. I assume that they're all telling the truth."

   "Well, then, when were the brake lines cut?"

   Sherman paused for effect. "Before dinner, old boy."

   "Before . . . ?" Wilson had to smile. "You're slipping, old boy. Mr. Graves only announced his will at the dinner table. Before dinner, no one had a reason to want him dead."

   Now it was Sherman's time to smile. "If you were Graves and you were changing your will, who would you go to?"

   "A lawyer, of course."

   "And who was Milton Grave's lawyer? His niece, Dominique."

   "You're right." Wilson slapped his leg. "We'll check that will. If Dominique drew it up, then she goes to the top of our list---the only suspect who knew ahead of time about the inheritance."  

How did you do?
Did you guess this one right?


  1. I can't wait to read this series and the short story. I have the earlier books but haven't gotten to read them yet. I love that tote!

  2. What a cute tote! You can never have enough bags, can you? thanks!

  3. Love this series and this short story. Can't wait for Demise in Denim to come out!
    kkdaley63 (at) gmail (dot) com

  4. Hi, Lisa, terrific Thursday to you, too! The novella sounds great and how thoughtful of Duffy to offer the lunch tote, in advance of the release of "Demise in Denim".

    1. Well, thank you, Pat! Yes, Duffy is a very thoughtful lady!

  5. Looking forward to the newest one!

  6. Dead Man Walker sounds like a good read. Thank you for the review and the giveaway. The tote is cute!

  7. I have Dead Man Walker on my TBR list~sounds great! I love the bag, too! Thank you for the review and contest.

  8. Sounds like a fun read! Thanks for the chance.

  9. I just started reading it and am loving it (I'm secretly in love with Walker anyway, LOL). I've had a few laugh out loud moments already.

  10. Thanks for the review. I will be reading this series!!!!!!

  11. The consignment series is great. Love filling in other areas of the story.

  12. I love the consignment series. Will be fun to hear about it from another point of view.

  13. Thanks for the great review. I am looking forward to adding this to my TBR list. The lunch tote also makes a cute conversation maker.

  14. Nice lunch totes. Great that you offered these for a giveaway

  15. After reading Geared for the Grave, I started picking up the Consignment Shop Mysteries and plan to start them soon. Can't wait, as Dead Man Walker - and the moped - are calling my name! In the meantime, the tote is cute - thank you for the chance to win!

  16. Can't wait to read. I pre-order and it's already on the Kindle App. Now real life has to stop getting in the way.

  17. Cute tote, great series. I hope to read the novella soon. Bobbipad at gmail dot com

  18. My daughter use to live in Savannah and I would visit from time to time. Great City! I love reading books located in places I've visited. I'm looking forward to reading Dead Man Walker. :D

    cb (at) carolbee (dot) com

  19. cannot wait to read this!!
    thank you for the giveaway!!
