
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Blog Tour

Book 2 in the Poppy Cove Mysteries
Barbara Jean Coast

It’s the 1950’s in Santa Lucia, California, and the height of the social season. Time for the new Miss Santa Lucia, Nora Burbank, to display her loveliness at a high society fashion show produced by the city’s own fashionistas––Margot and Daphne, owners of Poppy Cove, the most elegant and “in” little dress shop in the county. Nora steals the show in her designer gown and custom-made necklace created by local jeweler Isaac Mendelson, and used on the sly by his apprentice son-in-law, Efrem Goldberg. At the conclusion of the show, the young queen is allowed to keep her dress and a replica of the necklace for her own. But Monday morning, Efrem arrives in a panic at Poppy Cove to beg Margot and Daphne’s assistance in tracking down the real necklace, which he believes was inadvertently switched for the replica backstage. The girls get involved in Efrem’s dilemma and try to help him before Isaac’s any the wiser. But before that can happen, Miss Santa Lucia is found dead in her bed and the necklace is missing. Who killed Nora Burbank? Is it someone jealous of her new royal position and all of its perks? Or did she just happen to be in the way when a thief attempted to steal her diamond-studded necklace? Did Nora have the real or the fake necklace, and how much did the thief and murderer know about it? But, of course, before the girls can find the killer, they’ll have to create several beautiful ensembles, calm numerous irate clients, and flirt with their ever-so-attentive boyfriends, before solving this mystery.

My Review

Author Barbara Jean Coast has penned a novel filled with intrigue, excitement, fun, drama, and fashion!

I was thrilled to go back to the 1950's to Santa Lucia, CA and hang out with Margot Williams  and Daphne Hunting-Smythe at their “in” fashion dress shop. Although, I always feel under dressed when I spend time with those ladies. ;-)

Book one of the Poppy Cove Mystery series, STRANGLED BY SILK was unforgettable. In book two, DEATH OF A BEAUTY QUEEN, there was always something happening in this “happening” story. Packed cover to cover with everything that makes a mystery great, this book took my breath away!

It’s very clear that the author did her research into the 50's era. Everything from clothing, manner of speech, and chain smoking fathers pacing maternity ward waiting rooms, transported me to another time. And all of this lent the perfect background to an outstanding mystery of who killed the beauty queen.

Way to go Barbara Jean! I look forward to what books three and beyond have to offer.

More about author
Barbara Jean Coast

Barbara Jean is actually authors
Andrea Taylor
Heather Shkuratoff 

Andrea Taylor

Heather Shkuratoff

Barbara Jean Coast is the pen name of authors Andrea Taylor and Heather Shkuratoff. 

While Andrea and Heather reside in Kelowna, BC, Canada, she is a resident of Santa Lucia, California, which is eerily similar to Santa Barbara. There she enjoys long lunches, cocktail parties, fancy dinner dates with attractive and attentive gentlemen. Her interests include Alfred Hitchcock movies, reading Carolyn Keene, music by popular musicians, such Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennett, shopping for new dresses, attending society events and always looking fabulous in kitten heels. 

STRANGLED BY SILK and its follow-up, DEATH OF A BEAUTY QUEEN, in the Poppy Cove Mystery Series are published by Cozy Cat Press.

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Keep reading for the solutions to yesterday's  
Monday Mystery Mashup


Monday Mystery Mashup

1. Better Homes and Corpses 
2. If Onions Could Spring Leeks 
3. Bodice of Evidence 
4. Flamenco, Flan, and Fatalities
5. Double Fudge Brownie Murder


  1. Happy Tuesday, Lisa! Yes, these ladies did their research and transport the reader back in time!

  2. The story sounds wonderful! As a huge fan of all things 50s, I'm definitely going to be reading the Poppy Cove books. Thanks for the intro!

  3. Thanks for the intro to the Poppy Cove mysteries and Barbara Jean Coast. As someone who loves all things 50s, I'm definitely going to be reading these books!

  4. Thanks, everybody! You're always welcome in Santa Lucia. Toodles, Barbara Jean Coast
