
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Cozy Food Friday!

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!

The Cozy Chicks are back!
Every Friday in October I'll feature a recipe from 
A Killer Collection of Recipes by the 
Bestselling Authors of the Cozy Chicks Blog 

This fantastic cookbook contains recipes from cozy mystery favorites, 
Ellery Adams / J.B. Stanley
Lorraine Bartlett / L.L. Bartlett/ Lorna Barrett
Deb Baker / Hannah Reed
Kate Collins
Mary Kennedy
Mary Jane Maffini/Victoria Abbott
Maggie Sefton
Leann Sweeney

Lisa's Note: Author Duffy Brown is also a Cozy Chick and will be featured on Cozy Food Friday, however, she is not in The Cozy Chick's Kitchen. 

You can follow The Cozy Chicks blog here...

Today's featured recipe is from 
Lorraine Bartlett / L.L. Bartlett/ Lorna Barrett
author of the Booktown Mystery series (as Lorna Barrett), Victoria Square, and Lotus Bay Mystery series (as Lorraine Bartlett) also the adventure-fantasy series Tale Of Telenia, and the Jeff Resnick Mystery series (as L. L. Bartlett).  

On to the recipe!


Artisans Alley (on Victoria Square) is located in the core of apple country along Lake Ontario shore, where scores of apple varieties grow. Can there be anything more comforting than an apple fritter (or a LOT of them) for breakfast, lunch, dinner---or just a snack? Why not try this recipe and find out?


1 cup cake flour (sifted)
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1/3 cup milk
3/4 cup chopped peeled tart apple
4 teaspoons butter, melted
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1 tablespoon orange juice
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
oil for frying
confectioners' sugar 

In a bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, and salt. 

In another bowl, beat the egg and milk. Add the apple, butter, sugar, orange juice, and vanilla; mix well.

Stir in dry ingredients until just moistened. 

In an electric skillet or deep fryer, heat 1/4 inch of oil to 375 degrees. 

Drop the batter by rounded tablespoons into the oil.

Fry until golden brown on both sides.

Drain on paper towels.

Dust with the confectioners' sugar. 

Serve warm.

Yield: 2 - 3 servings 

Please note that all food photos are from Google Images. Your version may vary in appearance.

Show of hands if you're going to be making a batch of these! I have both hands up.  ;-)

You can find THE COZY CHICKS KITCHEN and other great books written by the wonderful authors at your local bookstore or online at

Welcome to our kitchen! The kitchen is the heart of the home. This sense of warmth and companionship is what The Cozy Chicks try to invoke in our novels. And now, our cookbook will allow you to enter the heart of our cozy mystery worlds—the stories of our characters, of their authors, told through food. For a short while, our heroines have taken a break from crime solving to don aprons and wield spatulas and wooden spoons. And they’d like nothing more than to spend some time with you. THE COZY CHICKS KITCHEN is chock full of mouthwatering gems. Everything is here: main dishes, desserts, salads, soups, drinks, and did I mention desserts? Don’t miss this fabulous collection. I’ve got both the ebook version and a hardcopy. Get yours today! --Julie Hyzy, New York Times bestselling author of the White House Chef and Manor House mysteries The Cozy Chicks Are Bestselling Authors: Ellery Adams / J.B. Stanley, Deb Baker / Hannah Reed, Lorna Barrett / Lorraine Bartlett, Kate Collins, Mary Kennedy, Mary Jane Maffini/Victoria Abbott,  Maggie Sefton, Leann Sweeney

Keep reading to check out my installments of 
Book Beginnings on Fridays
The Friday 56

Book Beginnings on Fridays is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading 

Keeping my Lorna Barrett theme going...
Book 6 in the Booktown Mystery series
My Book Beginnings for this week...

The overloaded luggage trolley bumped along the sidewalk, following Tricia Miles like an overgrown puppy. Ninety percent of the bags belonged to her sister, Angelica, whom Tricia trailed after. Head held high, marching along like a majorette, Angelica led the way to the Sheer Comfort Inn. When she stopped dead, Tricia nearly ran into her. "Tricia, you must keep up," she admonished.

Tricia steadied herself and the weight of the luggage nearly toppled the little metal trolley, taking her with it. "Tell me again why you've dragged me along on this little outing."

"My dear Tricia, for a little sister-to-sister bonding. It'll be just like camping," Angelica gushed, looking up at the lovely Victorian home before them and weaving an arm to take it all in. The movement made her stumble on her three-inch heels, jostling the enormous suitcase, the corner of which dug into the back of Tricia's leg. 

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice
Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's okay.) *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you. *Post it.

Continuing with the MURDER ON THE HALF SHELF theme
My Friday 56...

For a moment, Tricia thought she might cry. But then she did a quick reassessment of her life and decided, The hell with romance!

Tricia Miles—owner of Haven’t Got a Clue, the best mystery bookstore in Stoneham, New Hampshire—once again plays amateur sleuth as she is unexpectedly reunited with a man from a chapter of her life she closed long ago…
The town of Stoneham is a haven for bookstores, but it is sadly lacking in bed-and-breakfasts. Fortunately Pippa and Jon Comfort’s Sheer Comfort Inn is about to open, and the couple has offered some locals a free night as a trial run.
But it won’t be so easy to sleep after Tricia makes two startling discoveries: Pippa’s murdered body in the backyard, and the fact that Pippa’s husband, Jon, is actually Harry Tyler, a man Tricia loved—and believed dead—for nearly twenty years.
Though Harry is the prime suspect, Tricia doesn’t believe him capable of murder, even though he’s led a life of lies. Especially when she discovers that Pippa had a few secrets of her own—some that may have been worth killing for.

Includes recipes.

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

You can follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.

Continue reading for the answer to the 
Wednesday Whodunit!


Answer to Whodunit Wednesday

An Alarming Jewel Heist


   "The alarm didn't catch anyone." Zach still sounded angry.

   "Yes, it did. Tell me, Zach. How long do you think the thief took to clean you out?" 

   Zach glanced around the showroom. "A minimum of five minutes, probably ten."

   "And yet, when the police got here two minutes after the alarm, the burglar was already gone."

   "Yeah." Zach scratched his head. "That's impossible." 

   "Not if the burglar was already inside. After we left, he came out of hiding and took what he wanted. He set off the alarm when he left the shop, not when he arrived." 

   "You say he. It was a man?"

   "It was Sam Wells. He was the only person we didn't actually see exciting the shop. He must have hidden in a closet or behind a counter before we left. It had to be him. No one else could have come in while we were still here, not without setting off the door buzzer." 

When I read this one, I thought, how do they know Sam really left? They weren't in the room with him to see him exit the store. But then I thought, nah, too would be to simple. 

LOL I need to learn to stop second guessing myself. 

How did you do?

Check back next week for another fun 
Whodunit Wednesday!


  1. I keep saying that I really must try one of the Cozy Mysteries. But what I'd rather try is one of the fritters. They look yummy.

    Anne's Friday quotes

  2. Oh boy, if my kiddos were to only see the recipe you are sharing, they would go crazy! Loved the Friday 56, it had me giggling, this character sounds sassy :)

    Sparrow’s BB & Friday 56

  3. like an overgrown puppy. Made me smile. I think I'm going to like Trisha." To hell with romance!" LOL
    And I've not had breakfast and now my stomach is growling. I smell the apples!

    Here is my 56 -

  4. These look absolutely delish!! Thanks so much for posting. And a big thank you to Lorna Barrett for her wonderful Booktown Mysteries!

  5. Just picked up Sentenced to Death last night. Now I need to hurry up and get to Murder on the Half Shelf. I love the characters in this series.
    We're going apple picking tomorrow so I see apple friiters on the menu! :)

  6. Interesting 56 quote. I loved thee recipes too. Wish I could eat like that.

  7. I don't think I like the sound of Angelica. She sounds a bit high-maintenance to me. Those apple fritters on the other hand, I just really want to sink my teeth into those right now! I might actually be making apple pie tonight, which is keeping me satisfied for now! Thanks for sharing :) Hope you have a great weekend! My Friday post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  8. I love apple fritters, and these look delicious. Murder on the Half Shelf sounds like a fun cozy that I'd enjoy. I can just imagine the conflict between the sisters. Angelica sounds like a real pain.
    My Friday post features BEAUTIFUL RUINS.

  9. Apple fritters...I can almost taste them.

    As for Angelica, in your excerpt, she sounds like a piece of work. I'm curious, now.

    Here's mine: “THE CARRIER”

  10. I don't have a Friday 56 to share but I did wonderfully on the Whodunit Wednesday, because I won this week! Yay! Thanks so much, Lisa and Carolyn!

  11. I love apple fritters, have to try that recipe, thanks!
    The cozy looks good too!
    Happy weekend!

  12. Love the apple fritters, loved Murder on the Half Shelf. It's all good!!
    Lauigl [at] carolina [dot] rr [dot] com

  13. What book is this again? LOL! I forgot about everything cause your blog made me hungry. Nice post!

    Here's mine:
    Book Beginning #1: The Blood Of Olympus
