
Friday, October 17, 2014

Cozy Food Friday!

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!

The Cozy Chicks are back!
Every Friday in October I'll feature a recipe from 
A Killer Collection of Recipes by the 
Bestselling Authors of the Cozy Chicks Blog 

This fantastic cookbook contains recipes from cozy mystery favorites, 
Ellery Adams / J.B. Stanley
Lorraine Bartlett / L.L. Bartlett/ Lorna Barrett
Deb Baker / Hannah Reed
Kate Collins
Mary Kennedy
Mary Jane Maffini/Victoria Abbott
Maggie Sefton
Leann Sweeney

Lisa's Note: Author Duffy Brown is also a Cozy Chick and will be featured on Cozy Food Friday, however, she is not in The Cozy Chick's Kitchen. 

You can follow The Cozy Chicks blog here...

Today's featured recipe is from 
Duffy Brown
(This recipe cannot be found in the cookbook. Duffy shared it with me just for today's blog! Thanks, Duffy!)
author of the Consignment Shop Mysteries and the Cycle Path Mystery series.

The first Cycle Path Mystery, GEARED FOR THE GRAVE
will be released December 2 of this year and is now available for pre-order.


Mackinac Island is a peaceful summer resort town where everyone coasts through the streets on bicycles. But after someone sends a prominent local on her final ride, it’s up to one resourceful visitor to get things running again…
Hoping to shift her chances of a promotion in her favor, Evie Bloomfield heads to Mackinac Island to assist her boss’s father. Rudy Randolph has broken his leg and operating his bike shop, Rudy’s Rides, is too much to handle by himself. But Evie’s good turn only leads to more trouble…
After Evie’s arrival, wealthy resident Bunny Harrington dies in what looks like a freak bike accident. Upon closer inspection, Bunny’s brakes were tampered with, and now the prime suspect in her murder is also Bunny’s number one enemy: Rudy. So if Evie hopes to stay on her boss’s good side, she’ll need to steer Rudy clear of jail. Now she must quickly solve this mystery so she can put the brakes on the real killer’s plan…

Duffy is so happy to be on the blog today, she's giving away 3 GEARED FOR THE GRAVE totes to 3 lucky winners! 

Use Rafflecopter below for 
your chance to win!

I have totes from Duffy's Consignment Shop series and they're wonderful!

On to the recipe!

Two Minute Mackinac Island Soup

Duffy Brown

 I'm into fast and easy foods. This one is always a crowd pleaser.
Great for fall!


1 pound ground beef 
1 onion, chopped
1 pack taco seasoning
1 pack ranch dressing mix
2 cans chopped tomatoes with garlic
1 can each, undrained:
   yellow corn
   black beans
   pinto beans

In a big pot:

Brown 1 pound ground beef with 1 chopped onion and taco season and ranch dressing packets
Add  cans of chopped tomatoes with garlic

Add undrained cans of hominy, yellow corn, black beans, and pinto beans
Simmer for as long as you have (smells great)
Serve with dollop of sour cream, sprinkle of shredded cheddar and crusty bread

Please note that all food photos are from Google Images. Your version may vary in appearance.

You know you can't wait for a nice cool fall evening so you can try this soup out!  ;-)

You can find THE COZY CHICKS KITCHEN and other great books written by the wonderful authors at your local bookstore or online at

Welcome to our kitchen! The kitchen is the heart of the home. This sense of warmth and companionship is what The Cozy Chicks try to invoke in our novels. And now, our cookbook will allow you to enter the heart of our cozy mystery worlds—the stories of our characters, of their authors, told through food. For a short while, our heroines have taken a break from crime solving to don aprons and wield spatulas and wooden spoons. And they’d like nothing more than to spend some time with you. THE COZY CHICKS KITCHEN is chock full of mouthwatering gems. Everything is here: main dishes, desserts, salads, soups, drinks, and did I mention desserts? Don’t miss this fabulous collection. I’ve got both the ebook version and a hardcopy. Get yours today! --Julie Hyzy, New York Times bestselling author of the White House Chef and Manor House mysteries The Cozy Chicks Are Bestselling Authors: Ellery Adams / J.B. Stanley, Deb Baker / Hannah Reed, Lorna Barrett / Lorraine Bartlett, Kate Collins, Mary Kennedy, Mary Jane Maffini/Victoria Abbott,  Maggie Sefton, Leann Sweeney

Keep reading to check out my installments of 
Book Beginnings on Fridays
The Friday 56

Book Beginnings on Fridays is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading

Keeping my Duffy Brown theme going...
Book 3 in the Consignment Shop Mystery series
My Book Beginnings for this week...

"People are going to hate me if I do this," I said to Auntie KiKi. "They're going to cuss a blue streak and call me names and tell me to mind my own blankety-blank business and then slam the phone in my ear."

"Oh for crying in a bucket, Reagan." KiKi shoved a computer printout at me. "Time to put on your ironclad bloomers and dial the numbers on this here sheet. It's your very own Mamma everyone in this room is trying to get elected to city council. Least you can do is tell folks what a fine alderman she'd be, and Lord knows the city needs her instead of the scum bucket running against her."  

KiKi held up a plate full of temptation. "And keep in mind that we just happen to have pecan shortbread cookies for those who lend a hand."

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice
Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's okay.) *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you. *Post it.

Continuing with the PEARLS AND POISON theme
My Friday 56...

"Imagine that". Marigold forced a tight smile, but her eyes looked more sad than happy. "Where does the time go?" Seemed like she meant that for more than just today.

It’s election time in Savannah, Georgia, and Judge Guillotine Gloria—aka Reagan Summerside’s mom—is neck and neck in the polls with Kip “Scummy” Seymour.  But the already dirty campaign is about to get downright filthy—with one candidate getting buried six feet under…

With her strong opinions and knack for getting into trouble, Reagan is not an ideal volunteer for her mother’s alderman campaign. Plus, she’d rather be running her consignment shop, the Prissy Fox, and eating doughnuts with her dog, Bruce Willis. But when her mother’s opponent, Kip, is found poisoned and her mother is pegged as a suspect, Reagan nominates herself as lead murder investigator.

Reagan is intent on finding Kip’s killer and clearing her mother’s good name, but she soon finds herself on the bad side of Kip’s enemies-turned-suspects. This time, no amount of costumes and makeup can keep her inconspicuous and out of danger. Because the closer Reagan gets to the truth, the hotter things get…

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

You can follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.



  1. I can't wait to make this soup. It sounds delicious. Can't wait for this book either!

    1. Dawn, a good hardy soup for cool fall and cold winter weather! I'm really looking forward to the book!

  2. Fantastic soup! Love the idea of the taco mix and the ranch dressing--sounds delish!

    1. Mary, since there was no Mackinac Soup on Google Images, I had to go with photos of Taco Soup which had almost all the same ingredients. The ranch dressing mix really switches it up. I bet it adds a great tangy taste.

  3. I'm craving good soup and chili. The season is upon us and tis looks delicious. I've been to Mackinac Island but was just a kid so I'm sure I skipped the soup. LOL
    Love the titles and covers for both cozies and that comment "oh for crying in a bucket" makes me think of one my mother says, "bees on a bicycle" Cracks me up and the book sounds delightful.
    Here is my 56 -

    1. This will make a wonderful hearty soup. Love the thought of adding a nice crusty bread with it. I loved the "Oh for crying in a bucket" comment too! I was cracking up. Your Mom's is fun too!

  4. Good morning Duffy. Enjoyed your post on Lisa's page (here) today as I always do. Will try your soup as it will take much less time than mine does, but I still prefer Orzo or elbow macaroni to Hominy I think. But will try it to know for sure. Thank you. I have loved your Consignment Shop series (as you know) and truly looking forward to your Mackinac Island series. I was there as a kid but don't really remember much other than riding bicycles a lot. Couldn't do that now, so will rely on your photos again to take me back there in my mind's eye. Keep up the great work; I would love to win a tote and hopefully a copy of Geared For The Grave when you have another contest. Take care and thank you.

    1. Hi Cynthia. Thank you for stopping by. Good luck on winning a tote! I have two different ones from Duffy and they are both wonderful I use one of them all the time.

  5. I love that you feature the recipes from all the cozies with recipes! I always want to try them but frequently forget. I have the first Consignment shop mystery but have yet to read it. Definitely looking forward to trying it!

    1. Katherine. I love reading cozies, and recipes in them...well, that's just a bonus!

  6. Pearls and Poison sounds like a delightful cozy. Thanks for the soup recipe too. I love hearty soups, so this one is going into my recipe binder.
    My Friday post features NOT YET.

    1. I'm happy your adding the soup to you binder. It would be wonderful to take to a pot luck to! And, I'd have to ask Duffy, but I bet it could be thickened to make it more stew/chili like.

  7. I've never tried it with the ranch dressing mix. Look forward to giving it a try. :)

  8. Sherry, thanks for stopping by. I have wanted to visit Mackinac Island ever since I first saw Somewhere In Time! Heading to your blog now.

  9. Glad I visited your blog today. I've been wanting to read this series since it's written about my favorite place in the world, Mackinac Island.

  10. What a delicious cool night supper. Love all the contests you have. Hope to win thus series it looks great !!!

  11. I just love Duffys' books. I had to order them all because they are all so addicting and the characters are just so loveable.

  12. Once I have my new kitchen completed (hopefully before we starve) I'll try the recipe. I have to add Duffy's stories are to die for. 😊 Can't wait for this new one. I have her consignment shop bag as many of my reading group do and we love them!

  13. <3 Duffy, <3 Consignment Shop, <3 Mackinaw, <3 Lisa K's Book Reviews!

  14. I like Duffy Brown's books. That recipe looks good too!
    Happy weekend!

  15. Yummy looking recipe.

    Cute book the cover and the title.

    ENJOY your cooking and reading. Thanks for sharing.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings
