
Monday, October 20, 2014

Book 5
 in the Southern Sewing Circle Mystery series
by Elizabeth Lynn Casey

When Tori Sinclair's philandering ex turns up dead, the police chief believes it was murder-and that Tori may have been involved. Now, only the girls from the sewing circle will be able to help keep her life from coming apart at the seams...

I've kept it no secret that I love this series. Elizabeth Lynn Casey is a superb story teller. Not only does she have a perfect knack for writing a well thought out mystery. Not only does she have the perfect knack for writing a well thought out mystery, she creates brilliantly real characters that jump off the pages. Indeed, she has created a group of women that I want as life long friends, and a town that I would pack up and move to today if I could. 

I also love the humor in this one. (All her titles) I mean, how can you go wrong with laugh out loud lines and scenes like these....."So, we just wanted to be here in case you needed reinforcements." "Reinforcements?" "That's what I said,"... skip to........ "....hold your hand when your knees are a-clackin', help dig the hole when you're spittin' mad...that's what friends do." (The dug hole of course for burying a body.) Forward to the outside of a car window where an argument is taking place.........the sight of Leona and Paris peeking in the passenger window. Motioning over her shoulder, Leona stepped to the side to reveal a simmering Rose and a shovel-wielding Margaret Louise........ See? Laugh out loud fun! 

Now, don't let that take away from the mystery element of the book. Ms. Casey's stories always have a great mystery and leave me guessing on the Whodunit front. There are twists and turns, and enough suspects to go around, that it will have you changing your guess at least every chapter. 

If you haven't yet treated yourself to the Southern Sewing Circle Mysteries, it's about time you do! And, while wonderful sewing projects do take place, you don't have to know a thing about sewing to read these. But if you do love to sew, there are great sewing tips included as well as the directions for the project in the book.

This book and the entire series, has a little something for everyone!

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As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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Please continue reading for the  
Monday Mystery Mashup



1. Antiques Maul

2. Calamity Jayne and the Haunted Homecoming

3. The Ginseng Conspiracy

4. Caught Dead Handed

5. Southern Ghost

Check back next Monday 
for more Mashups!


  1. I can't stand it...ANOTHER book to add to my list! (Not that it's a bad's just getting so long!) This cover is absolutely PRECIOUS!
    Thanks, Lisa.
    Pat Tucker

  2. LOL Pat. It's a great series! Lots of fun. The cover is adorable, isn't it?

  3. Another one for my TBR stack. You had me at "to help keep her life from coming apart at the seams…" Laugh out loud funny is good!

  4. I am sorry I missed Monday's game. Happily I have read Kathi's book and LOVED it.
    I do not have any of this series. That cover is perfection.
    I know I would become addicted to this series once I start.
