
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Book One in the Dream Club Mystery series
by Mary Kennedy

Business consultant Taylor Blake has returned to Savannah, Georgia, to help her sister Allison turn her dream of running an old-fashioned candy store into a reality. Allison is also interested in dream interpretation and invites Taylor to her Friday night Dream Club, where members meet once a week to share and analyze their dreams.

When a local dance instructor, Chico Hernandez, is found dead in his studio, and the murder scene has an eerie resemblance to one of the dreams shared at their meeting, Taylor can’t help but be intrigued. And when her sister, who was briefly involved with the dance teacher, becomes the prime suspect, Taylor and their fellow club members can’t be caught napping. It’s up to them to dream up a solution to the murder before Allison faces a real-life nightmare.

The world of cozy mysteries has been waiting for the return of author Mary Kennedy. Wow, what a return it has been!

NIGHTMARES CAN BE MURDER is the first book in Ms. Kennedy's Dream Club mystery series. The subject of dream analysis is an exciting new concept for a cozy mystery theme. 

I enjoyed my time spent in Savannah, GA with Taylor Black, her sister Allison, and the other ladies of the Dream Club. It was very interesting sitting in on their meetings, delving into their dreams, and working through the meanings with them. I also loved spending time in Ali's shop, Oldies But Goodies, that sells "retro" candy. Such a delightfully fun store! It reminded me a of candy store I visited in Lititz, PA several months ago. What? No, I wasn't really there, but I was so lost in the story that I felt I had indeed been right there with them.  

As for the mystery element of the book, who killed dance instructor Chico Hernandez, there were times I thought I was on the trail of the killer only to find I had been misled by crafty, creative writing. When I read the reveal, I knew I had been completely outsmarted by the author.

Mystery fans, not just those of cozies, are going to enjoy this book and be looking forward to the next in this wonderful new series. I know I am!

And on a quick note, if you have been wanting to get a younger reader (pre-teen and up) into mysteries, this would be a great book to begin their journey into the mystery realm. I believe the subject of dream analysis the way it is covered in NIGHTMARES CAN BE MURDER will be entertaining enough to take their minds off vampires and werewolves for a while. ;-)

releases on September 2nd. 
Pre-order your copy/copies today!

About the author
Mary Kennedy is a national best-selling author, and a clinical psychologist in private practice on the east coast.  She has sold forty novels, all to major New York publishers, and has made the Waldenbooks, BookScan and Publishers Weekly best-seller lists.  Her early novels included middle grade fiction and young adult fiction for Scholastic and Penguin.
Mary also writes health and wellness articles, reviews and human interest pieces. Her byline has appeared in Publisher's Weekly, USA Today, Book Page, Gannett News, NPR and industry publications. She recently won "first place" in a communications contest sponsored by the Delaware Press Association and judged nationally. Many of her articles can be found at Blogher.
She blogs every Saturday with Cozy Chicks.

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  1. Hi Lisa, I am thrilled to be featured on your wonderful blog--thank you so much. And I am so happy that you enjoyed Nightmares Can Be Murder. It's such a fun series to write, and I'm enjoying every second of it. Thanks again.

  2. Great blog Lisa. I have had this book pre-ordered for what seems like forever. So glad it is finally just on the horizon. I have enjoyed Mary's Talk Radio series and have read her Dream Interpretation booklet. I'm so looking forward to this new series. And don't you just LOVE the cover of this book? .

  3. LOVE this cover!

    patucker54 at aol dot com

  4. I had the pleasure of reading an advance copy of NIGHTMARES CAN BE MURDER. I've been conscious of some pretty bizarre dreams since I read it, and now I realized my sudden craving for BUN bars and CHUCKLES can probably be traced back to reading this book, too! I remember when I was a kid I'd save my 25 cent allowance until I had enough to go to Ben Franklin's Five and Dime, where I could splash out on penny candy AND treat myself to big, glossy dollar book based on TV cartoon shows - Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound and the Flintstones. Later I moved on to Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden books. It would be fun if you could still find penny candy and mystery books in the same stores these days. BTW, I agree that this would be a good book for teen readers. I'm a mystery fanatic, but that didn't help me solve this one ahead of time. I love to be surprised by "whodunnit!"

    1. Thank you so much, Becke!! I'm so happy you enjoyed it!

  5. I always love cozies. I love the covers and of course the content. Always a treat to read one.

    THANKS for sharing, and enjoy your book.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

  6. Just a few more days...can't wait.

  7. I can enjoy reading this book AND get some answers to my dream questions?
    What a deal!
