
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Whodunit Wednesday!

Do you like to solve mysteries?
Do you love to win prizes?
If you said yes to both questions,
you're in the right place! 

It's easy.
Read the following story and if you think you know
Whodunit, enter your answer into 
the Rafflecopter form below.

One lucky winner will win a

This giveaway is brought to you by me, 
a poor but happy blogger. ;-)
So, your prize could be a cozy mystery. Or it could be a notepad, magnet, key chain or 
something that's just fun and cute.

This giveaway is open to the US and Canada.

Sound fun?
Well then, get reading!


   Luther brought a new pot of coffee into the dining room and began refreshing everyone's cup. "Agatha, is that the crystal ball you were telling us about?"

   "Isn't it gorgeous!" The young woman in the flowing robe held it up for all to see, a round piece of cut crystal, not much larger than a baseball. "The salesman guaranteed me that it once belonged to Morgan LeFay. And this wasn't here everyday crystal either. It was her special one." Agatha passed the ball to Sherman Holmes.

   "It's blooming lovely," Sherman said, managing to keep a straight face. He enjoyed his weekly dinners with Luther, Agatha, and Grimelda. The warlock and two witches might seem a little extreme to Sherman's friends, but they were full of life and always interesting. And they accepted without question Sherman's own idiosyncrasies.

   All three examined the ball, then watched as Agatha returned it to the red velvet box. "They say it has a mind of it's own. If the crystal doesn't like it's current owner, it will find a new one. We get along swimmingly, I'm glad to say."

   The evening was almost over. Grimelda helped Luther, the host, clear the dining room table, while Agatha went to the bathroom and Sherman browsed through Luther's library. When he returned to the living room, Grimelda was adjusting her shawl and checking her makeup in the mirror over the mantel. She had always been the most attractive witch in the coven. Sherman had heard from Luther that there was some tension between her and the younger, newer arrival, Agatha. 

   "Next week at my abode," Sherman reminded her.

   Grimelda seemed startled. "Oh, that's right. We're going to help you contact Dr. Watson. We never had much luck contacting your great-great-grandfather Sherlock, did we?"

   "We'll have to keep trying," Sherman said. "Luther!" he shouted to the next room. "A scrumptious dinner." Then he saw the velvet box on the sideboard beside the full pot of coffee.  "Agatha, don't forget your crystal." Sherman picked up the box and could instantly tell it was too light.

   "It's gone," Agatha cried when she discovered the empty box. "Morgan's crystal has left me. I feel so rejected!" 

   "Oh, that's too bad," Grimelda commiserated. Luther agreed. The three witches seemed quite willing to accept the crystal's disappearance as a natural phenomenon. But Sherman knew better.

Who took the crystal ball?

For a bonus entry: Where is it hidden?

The Whodunit Wednesday solution will be posted on tomorrow's blog after the Throwback Thursday feature.

Please, only leave your guesses 
through Rafflecopter. 

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. This is fun, I don't know if I got it right, but, I enjoy the mystery.

  2. Love these Wednesday Whodunits

    Becky Prazak

  3. Do we get to find out the correct answers?

    1. Hi Donna. I post the answer every Thursday at the end of my Throwback Thursday blog. Thanks for asking. I'll make a change and mention that on the page here.

  4. I made it today with having to be reminded!! I love your Who dun it Wednesday!

  5. I love this. Do we get to know what the answer is?

    1. Hi Donna. I post the answer every Thursday at the end of my Throwback Thursday blog.
