
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Whodunit Wednesday!

Do you like to solve mysteries?
Do you love to win prizes?
If you said yes to both questions,
you're in the right place! 

It's easy.
Read the following story and if you think you know
Whodunit, enter your answer into 
the Rafflecopter form below.

One lucky winner will win a
This giveaway is brought to you by me, a poor but happy blogger. ;-)
So, your prize could be a cozy mystery. Or it could be a notepad, magnet, key chain or something that's just fun or cute.

This giveaway is open to the US and Canada. 

Sound fun?
Well then, get reading!


   Sherman Holmes was out for a drive on a lonely country road. He saw a police car and the sign for the labyrinth maze at almost the same moment. "A labyrinth puzzle plus a crime, " he chuckled, stepping on the brakes. "How lovely". He switched on his turn signal and pulled off into the parking lot. 

   The roadside attraction, "Queen Victoria's Maze," consisted of a ticket booth, a small, shabby office, and the corn maze itself, a seven-foot-high square of ill-kept hedges. Curious motorists were lured into paying three dollars apiece to get lost in the confusing pathways inside the hedges. 

   Sherman bypassed the empty ticket booth and wandered up a gravel path and into the maze itself. Two right turns brought him to a dead end--a dead end complete with a corpse. A highway patrolman was standing over the corpse of a casually dressed man, a knife stuck between his ribs. Three men and a woman faced the officer. 

   "My husband Kyle and I came into the maze and split up just for fun<" the woman said between sobs. "After several minutes of wandering, I wound up outside another entrance. I was going to try again. I called Kyle, to see how he was doing. That's when I heard it--some scuffling--like a fight. Then Kyle screamed."

   "I heard the scream, too," said the tallest man. "I was on a bench in the center of the maze. I didn't hear scuffling, probably because the fountain there drowned it out. I'm Bill McQuire. I hurried out of the maze and found Mrs. Turner. The two of us went back in and discovered the body together."

   "I'm the owner," said a short, disheveled man. "Paul Moran. These people were the only three customers in there. After taking the Turners' money at the ticket booth, I went into the office. Abe, my electrician, was rewiring the system. I switched off the main fuse box for him. Then I walked around picking up trash. Abe was still working when I heard a man's scream." 

   Abe the electrician, was the last to speak. "What Paul said is true. I was in a crawl space under the office the whole time, doing the wiring. I didn't see anything or hear anyone until the scream."

   The officer bent down to examine the body. "No wallet. Maybe it was a botched robbery. But we'll have to wait for the experts."

   "I'm an expert," came a voice from behind. They turned around to find a short, owlish man with a briar pipe between his teeth. "Sherman Holmes, at your service. The solution is elementary, if you'd care to listen."

Who killed Kyle Turner? 

Please only leave your guesses 
through Rafflecopter. 

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Fun mystery, Lisa! I think I may know whodunit. :)

    1. Susan, if you didn't enter the giveaway, send me a message on FB and I'll let you know. However, authors are more than welcome to enter!

  2. This puzzler for sure.
    Becky Prazak

    1. Becky, I'm happy you enjoyed it. I got it wrong when I read it. LOL This is why I'm not a writer!

  3. Thanks, Marylou. I'm glad you liked it!
