
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Ready to learn about a new old series?

Today I am featuring an author who 
was new to me with the first in her 
Pickled and Preserved Mystery series 
(Released May 2014)
author Mary Ellen Hughes

For the craft lovers out there, Mary did a series called 
A Craft Corner Mystery series

This was a three book series containing the tiles...

It's opening day at Jo's Craft Corner, and Jo is wired more tightly than the wreath on her store's front door. The entertainment she's hired, Cuddles the Clown, is little help, grumbling and complaining until Jo is ready to strangle him. Someone else does silence him, though – for good. With a dead clown in her storeroom and murdered with one of her craft items, Jo becomes the prime suspect. She works to clear her name, unaware that the crafty killer is ready to do anything it takes to stop her – and won't stop at murder!
Includes directions for a craft project!

Parker Holt has started gobbling up properties housing small businesses in town, and Jo worries that her Craft Corner shop will be next. But when she arrives at Holt's home to learn his intentions, she finds him dead – the victim of an insidious electrical trap.

The police draw a bead on the construction crew working on the house, led by Jo's good friend, Dan. Anxious to clear him and his workers, Jo and her beading crafters set to work. Motives are dissected as necklaces are created, and Jo follows a chain of clues back into the past, hoping to unknot the current crime – and catch a murderer before he pulls any more deadly strings.

With Jo's Craft Corner becoming better established, owner Jo McAllister has snagged a weekend spot for her jewelry creations in the prestigious Michicomi Craft Festival. It's bad enough that Jo's stand is directly opposite that of conniving Linda Weeks, but then Jo allows Linda to goad her into publicly losing her temper. It gets even worse when Linda drops dead -- after eating candy that Jo unwittingly delivered to Linda's booth.
Includes directions for a paper-craft project! 

All three titles can be purchased on Kindle and Nook

They are out of print in paperback. 
I recommend checking with The Book Rack Of Murray 
A wonderful new and used bookstore that ships! 
(click on store name for more information)
Tell them you heard about them from Lisa Ks Book Reviews!

Remember to check back here every Thursday for more great Throwback cozy titles!

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  1. These sound great! Will have to look for them.

  2. Thanks, Dawn. The Craft Corners are a series near to my heart. Maybe someday I'll add to them.

  3. I have all three books and was so hoping for more!! Love the characters, story, setting and the crafts! But on the other hand her new series has LOTS of promise! Looking forward to the next one!!

  4. I loved this series and I was sorry to see it end. I would love to see a new one too.

  5. That's great to know, "bookwomen."

    Thanks, Lisa, for featuring my Craft Corner mysteries on your blog!
