
Friday, June 20, 2014

Cozy Food Friday!

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!

I don't know what the temperatures have been like where you live, but here in Delaware it's been hot, hot, hot! 
Cooking a hot meal just won't do on high temperature days. And you don't want another salad or sandwich. So what do you do?
Make soup!
You read that right. Make soup. 
Chilled soup!

Today's recipe comes from Connie Archer's second book in her 
Soup Lover's Mystery series, 

Cucumber Yogurt And Walnut Soup
(Serves 4)

1 cucumber
1/2 garlic clove
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups coarsely chopped walnuts
1 cup cooked white rice
1 teaspoon walnut or sunflower oil
2 cups plain yogurt
1 cup cold water
2 teaspoons lemon juice
fresh dill sprigs

Cut cucumber in half lengthwise, and remove peel from one half. 

Dice both the peeled cucumber flesh and the unpeeled cucumber and set aside separately. 

Blend garlic and salt together in food processor. 

Add cooked rice, peeled diced cucumber and 1 cup of chopped walnuts to food processor and blend again. 

Transfer the mixture to a large bowl. Slowly add the walnut or sunflower oil, stir, then mix in yogurt, and diced unpeeled cucumber. Add cold water and lemon juice to the mixture.

Pour the soup into chilled bowls to serve. 

Garnish with remainder of chopped walnuts and sprigs of dill. 
Serve immediately.

This soup can be served so many ways. 
Instead of bowls you could use wine glasses, snifters, Martini glasses. 

Having a party? 
How about using shot glasses for perfect appetizer shooters!

Even a town called Snowflake, Vermont, has a summer season. In August, Lucky Jamieson’s By the Spoonful serves chilled soups—celery and green onion, cream of asparagus—and salads. The shop also serves as a gathering place to talk about cold-blooded murder…A protest to stop the construction of an ugly car wash in the middle of the town’s picturesque Village Green is interrupted by the discovery of a skeleton that may date back to the Revolutionary War. While the remains pose a historical mystery, a present-day murder shakes the town to its core when local auto mechanic Harry Hodges is found dead in his shop.

Straining the patience of Chief of Police Nate Edgerton, Lucky soon finds herself in the soup again when her dear friend Elizabeth, the Mayor of Snowflake, goes missing. No matter how much trouble she has to stir up, Lucky is determined to use her noodle to uncover a killer and recover her friend…

Recipes included!

Want to appear on my blog?
Take photos making a recipe 
featured on my blog
 and email them to me at 
I will post them on an upcoming 
Cozy Food Friday!

As always, please leave a comment and let me know what you think!
Also, become a Follower of my blog by clicking on the
 link in the upper right hand corner of this page.

Note: Soup photos are from Google images.

Book Beginnings on Fridays is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader

My Book Beginnings on Fridays this week will be 
will be from
A BROTH OF BETRAYAL by Connie Archer.

Neigeville 1777
Nathanael Cooper crept slowly, staying as close as possible to the trunks of the larger trees. He moved silently, fearful of giving his presence away. 
His heart beat so heavily he through his chest would burst. 

Don't be fooled by the date in the beginning. For those of you who do not like historical books, rest easy. This book does take place in present day.

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice

My Friday 56 this week will be 
will also be from
A BROTH OF BETRAYAL by Connie Archer.

"Are you hurt?" she asked. Jack shook his head. He opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't seem to form any words. He looked helplessly at Lucky. 

A BROTH OF BETRAYAL in the second book in the Soup Lover's Mystery series. I've read all three books in the series so far and love them. 
Connie Archer is a go to author for me now and the 
Lover's Mysteries are in my list of favorites.

Please remember, comments make me thrive!


  1. Enjoyed your excerpt and want to try the soup recipe. It sounds delicious and easy to make! Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. I love the title, it's brimming with possibilities. Happy reading and eating.
    My Friday 56

  3. I love that you included a recipe from the book! I read so many books that have recipes but I'm not sure I've ever really made any. I have the first one of this series but have yet to read it. Sounds like a great series!

  4. Those teasers certainly did peak my interest. And the soup sounds good, although I'd have to take out the walnuts since I have nut allergies.

  5. A soup lover mystery book with recipes included!? How could you not love that! Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful weekend :)

    Sparrow's BB & Friday 56

  6. I love soups. I like to cook soups. I've never tasted a chilled soup. Have seen chilled soups in magazines. I like Culinary cozies. So I am sure to like this one.

  7. Hi Lisa ~ I'm thrilled you've featured A Broth of Betrayal and a recipe today! I hope all your visitors will get to visit Snowflake, VT! Thanks so much!

  8. MMMM... I'm going to have to try to make this one. Looks yummy.

    Happy weekend!

  9. I didn't notice the words "soup lover" yesterday. No wonder you have the soup above it. The soup looks good.
