
Friday, February 7, 2014

BEEWITCHED by Hannah Reed. Book #5 in A Queen Bee Mystery series.

Beekeeper Story Fischer has stocked the shelves of her market, The Wild Clover, in preparation for the influx of produce-crazy tourists about to invade Moraine, Wisconsin. In fact, with the apple cider and caramel apple stand on Main Street and the corn maze out at Country Delight Farm, the whole town is ready for the swarm.

But when a self-proclaimed witch moves into town, the neighbors are all abuzz with questions. Is the quirky newcomer a good witch or a bad one? Story thinks Dyanna Crane is perfectly nice, albeit a little eccentric. But after an entire coven shows up for a new moon ritual—and one of the witches ends up dead in the corn maze—Story must comb through both fact and fiction, before anyone else is murdered under the cover of magic…

"I'll admit, I'm brand new to the Queen Bee series. I was going to start when the first in the series came out, but always put it off for some reason. My mistake! I loved getting to meet Beekeeper Story Fischer and the cast of characters in this story. I have to go back and read all of the other titles now!

In BEEWITCHED Autumn has come to the town of Moraine, Wisconsin. And what goes better with Autumn than apple cider, caramel apples and corn mazes? Witches! A whole coven has moved to town and one ends up dead in the corn maze!

Ms. Reed is a wonderful story teller. This book was fast paced and entertaining, with a mystery that kept me on my toes and guessing until the reveal. I loved my time spent with Story and friends and can't wait for my next visit."

Don't wait as long as I did to start this series. Book #1 is BUZZ OFF.


  1. Sounds like a really cute book to read. I have it on my list to order from Amazon when I can get a bunch more read that I have stacked up in my office, living room, bed room, etc. :) That was a really nice blog post and review, Lisa. I enjoy your postings very much. Thank you, Cynthia

    1. Thank you so very much Cynthia! You made my day! :-) I haven't kept up with my blog like I need to but hope to get back into the full swing of things.
