
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Denise Swanson Interview and Giveaway

I'm thrilled to have had a chance to interview Denise Swanson, author of the Scumble River Mysteries series and the Devereaux's Dime Store Mysteries series. And we have a Giveaway! Denise is kindly offering 1 signed copy of the winner's choice of one of her great titles! All you have to do is leave a comment (and email contact info please)! The drawing will be held Thursday, Aug 15.Enjoy the interview and good luck!

Denise Swanson Interview

LKBR:    Who or what inspired you to be a writer?
DS:  I actually can't remember a time when I didn't want to write. I was an only child growing up in the country, so I spent almost all my time reading and living in my imagination, which then became stories that I shared with my cousins. It was sort of a natural progression to writing those stories down.
LKBR:  How do you come up with your witty titles?
DS:  My editor came up with the very first title, Murder of a Small-Town Honey. I was calling the book the Catfish Days Murder, which was definitely not as catchy. After I realized what she was looking for, the titles came fairly naturally. There were a few books I had a hard time coming up with titles and a few books that the titles came to me before the plots. My new book, Murder of a Stacked Librarian was one of those.
LKBR:  Why did you decide to give each chapter a name? (cool idea by the way)
DS:  I'm not sure why I decided to use chapter titles. I think for the first book (Death Of A Small-Town Honey) , the songs I used just popped into my head as I was writing the chapters.
Denise with husband David
LKBR:  Where do you get the ideas for your characters? Are any of them based on people you know?
DS:  Most of my characters are inspired by real life people, but generally there is more than one person that inspires each character.
LKBR:  Of all the books you've written, which is your favorite?
DS:  My favorite is always the one that I'm currently writing.

LKBR:  Do you ever experience writers block? If so, how do you work through it?
DS:  Not exactly writers block, but more like a stumbling block. I'll get to a part in the book that stops me cold, and until I figure out where I took a wrong turn, it's very hard to move ahead in the story. Most often, I'll brainstorm with either my husband or BFF until something clicks. Sometimes, I think about the problem just before I go to sleep and dream the answer.

Devereaux's Dime Store
LKBR:  What is the strangest thing that has ever happened to you as an author?
DS:  It's hard to pick just one as I seem to be a weird magnet, but I guess it was a signing at a Borders Express in a mall fairly early in my career. I was sitting near the front door behind a table stacked with my books and a middle aged guy kept walking round and round me. Finally, I asked him if he enjoyed mysteries. He said, "Oh. No. I don't read." Before I could stop myself, I said, "Then what are you doing in a book store?" He shrugged and said, "My wife told me to meet her here. She says it's the only place I don't get into trouble."

LKBR:  Please tell us about any upcoming projects.
DS:  I just finished writing the seventeenth Scumble River book, and I'm taking a couple of months to work on a romance called Can't Buy Me Love.
Scumble River
LKBR:  Is there anything else you would like to add?
DS:  Murder of a Stacked Librarian comes out Sept. 3


What to know more about Denise and her great books? Check out these links!

A big thank you to Denise for a wonderful interview! And don't forget to leave a comment for your chance to win your choice of one of Denise's titles! 



  1. Hi Denise I was wondering did you know when you wrote the first book if you knew it was going to be a series?

    1. Edel, I originally planned to do three books, but the series took off and Penguin asked me for more after the first book sold well.

  2. I love Denise's books, and the one I'd love to win the most is the second of the Dime Store mysteries. Nickeled and Dimed to Death.

    Hi Denise, the book I mentioned is the only one I haven't been gifted with by any of my friends.

    1. If you're the winner, you'll have a signed copy!

  3. Great interview Lisa and Denise . I have read the two Dine store books and they are great . Love Denise's books and can't wait for the one to come out . Love your giveaway and would love to be a winner for one of Denise's books . Thanks and Blessings

  4. What a great interview. If I am lucky enough to win I would love to receive Murder of a Stacked Librarian.

  5. I have to say I never read any of her books, but after reading your blog I think I am going to have to read one. I looked at her books and I am going to start with Death of a Pink Elephant. Your new book sounds great and will be reading that in Sept when it comes out.

  6. I love Denise's work. Thanks for great interview!

    I would love to win the 2nd dime store book, Nickeled and Dimed to Death, I have read the first but not the 2nd.

    MinDaf @

  7. I love your books Denise. I'd be thrilled to win any book.

  8. Have this book on my TBR, loved the interview, would love to win this book. Thanks for the giveaway.

  9. What a cute story about the man in the bookstore. I'd love to win your book.

  10. Great interview! I've read all of Denise's books except for the Dime Store ones (must fix that soon). I can't wait for Murder of a Stacked Librarian!


  11. Love Denices books Murder of a Stacked librarian sounds

  12. I love this series as I retired after 28 years teaching. I am a retired librarian and we had many interesting families that we best friend was the music teacher and she had lots of great stories!!! Thanks for interviewing one of my favorite authors!!

  13. I am a librarian in a school so I am excited for the newest Scumble River to come out. I agree with Denise. The current book out usually becomes my favorites.

  14. Can't wait to read this one!! I love your series both of them!!!

  15. This series has been on my TBR list for awhile. Can't wait to get started on it. :) Of course, originally from IL, I gotta love the authors from there as well! =)

  16. LOve both of your series and I am always anxious for each new installment!! Can't wait to read "Murder of a Stacked Librarian" and "Can't Buy Me Love"!!!!!

  17. I've been a fan of Scrumble River series since the first book. I fell for the Dime Store series just as quickly. Huge congrats.


  18. I love the Scrumble River books. Can't wait for the new one.


  19. Wonderful series which I enjoy greatly. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  20. Love the Dime store series very much. Thanks for this lovely post. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com

  21. I was an only child too so I identify with living in the imagination. I'm SO glad your path led to writing these great mysteries. I was drawn to them first by the series title of Scrumble River. It just reminded me of blueberry cobbler!

  22. Loved the story a out the husband. A writer friend said she was sitting at a table waiting and waiting. This woman kept going by. Sometimes she'd stop and look at the friend and the table. Finally she walked up and said, "I'm going to report you to the manager. You've been on break for nearly an hour." And she did!!! :)

    Pen M

    1. Well. That wasn't completely clear. It was one of first signings, she was waiting to sign. :) Next time maybe I should write some where else so I can rewrite. I also have a typo says a out, should be about. Sigh.

      Pen M

  23. I've just recently discovered Denise Swanson's Scrumble River books and I am loving them. Would love to win a copy. Excitedly waiting to read Murder of a Stacked Librarian.

  24. Would LOVE to win! Not only read and can hardly wait for the newest books in the Scumble River series, but have recommended the series to all my friends and relatives. Really enjoyed this interview.

  25. Oops, didn't see where I had to add e-mail info! Still want that chance to win, so just see the comment @12:48!

  26. Love the Scumble River series as it takes place near where I grew up, and some of the characters remind me of my relatives! Looking forward to Sept. 3 when I can read Murder of a Stacked Librarian by my fellow U of I alumnus.

  27. Great interview and sounds like a great book. I'd really love to win :)

  28. I would love to read another one of the Scumble River series. garczynski (at) aol (dot) com

  29. I can't wait for my next visit to Scumble River to check in with Skye, her family, and friends (especially Trixie -- I was so happy to see her show up here!). Would love to win a signed copy of Murder of a Stacked Librarian. Sharon (

  30. I absolutely love both these series. I already pre ordered Murder Of A Stacked Librarian and can't wait to receive it so I can dig in! Denise is a phenomenal author. Thank you for writing all these wonderful books! Robyn (

  31. Great interview, I haven't started reading these yet, they are next on my list, I have read so many great things about this series that I can't wait to start. momzillasteel at gmail dot com

  32. Loved the interview!! Can't wait for the next book, hurry up September!!!

  33. When I discovered Denise's first book, I recognized that she had really worked in schools, not just done some research. There is a certain authenticity that teachers have seen in their own real life situations. I told my sisters, who are also teachers, that they HAD to read this series! Thanks Denise, for many chuckles - and groans!
    Sarah (

  34. Great interview!! Denise is a new author to me, but her books sound fantastic. Looking forward to reading her books. Thank you for sharing and please enter me in the giveaway.
    Barbara Thompson

  35. i'll be reading the 3rd book in this series, but i would still love to win a SIGNED copy of Denise's latest!!

    thank you!!!

    cyn209 at juno dot com

  36. My sister got me hooked on Denise's books and now I can hardly wait for the next one! Marge

  37. Really looking forward to your next book!

  38. Wonderful interview! Hope I win... I L O V E my cozies!

  39. I would be thrilled to have a signed copy of any of your books. All of mine are on ebook. After years of collecting thousands of books, I only keep print copies of a few really special books because my space is so limited.

  40. My daughter loves cozy mystery's and I'm always on the lookout for new ones, thank you for the chance to win one for her.


  41. Denise, I love the pictures of you here. You look extra lovely and even more like someone I wish was my neighbor! I have enjoyed all of Denise's books and can't wait to read Murder of a Stacked Librarian. What's not to like? Murder in the cozy way. Librarian. Scumble River. Skye. Wally. Simon. Simon's mom (could she be anymore different than Simon?).

    Karen Dyer, so happy to have some mighty gifted friends!
    email: karen without the vowels: krn with my last name: krndyer(at)hotmail(dot)com

  42. Denise I look forward to each of your Scumble River books when they come out! Being a Midwestern gal transplanted to the Northwest (Seattle), it reminds me of memories of home!

    Thanks so much,

    Patrice A

  43. Great interview Lisa & Denise...went out and bought a couple of your books...can't wait to get started on them. Thanks for a wonderful interview!

  44. I love to read these interviews as I always learn something new about one of my favorite authors. This was a great interview too Lisa. Great job. How great would it be to win a book by Denise? Super great is the answer!!!! Thank you.



  45. What a great interview, Lisa! I am entering only for my mom. I love Denise and her books. I own some already but some are packed away. I don't know which one I need. My mom has read a few of her books and likes them. If you choose me, it doesn't matter which one, though maybe the first one in the Scumble River Series, Small Town Honey. My email is

  46. Ms. Swanson Has some wonderful Cozy Mysteries, I did not know about the Dime Store Mysteries and would love to try one.

    DelAnne Frazee
    531 County Road 140
    Heflin , AL 36264

  47. Would love Murder of a Pink Elephant!

  48. I love all of Denise's books! I've been lucky enough to see her talk twice too :) She is as funny in person as her writing is!

  49. Great interview! I would love to win any of Denise's books, especially the Murder of a Pink Elephant book (my daughter loves pink elephants). my email is

    Laura Collins :)
