
Monday, July 8, 2013

Laura Bradford Interview

Today I'm pleased to post my first interview and contest!

Author Laura Bradford was kind enough to answer a few questions for me. She is also offering 2 books from her Amish Mystery series. One lucky winner will win a copy of HEARSE AND BUGGY and another will win a copy of ASSAULTED PRETZEL!

All you need to do to for a chance to win is post a comment about this interview. Two lucky winners will be picked at random on Monday, July 15. So, post those comments and good luck!

Now, onto the interview!

Author Laura Bradford
LKBR: How did you come up with the idea for the Amish Mysteries?
LB: I grew up reading and watching the Little House on the Prairie books/television program. As a result, I had a bit of a fascination with the simplicity of 1800's life. The Amish, in my opinion, are the closest modern day version of that time period--in dress, life, etc. Writing this series allows me to live in that simplistic world every time I sit down to write the next installment in the series.
LKBR: When writing, do you create an outline first, or are you a "pantser", writing from the seat of your pants?
LB: I know how the story will begin and end. I know who the victim is and who the murderer is, as well. But it's the "flavor" part of the story--what the characters say/do--that I create as I write...because I'm visiting with them, interacting with them in my head.
LKBR: Do you need a quite place to write or can you write wherever you are?
LB: It depends, I think. Sometimes, I like to hole up in my room or at the dining room table and write. Sometime, I actually need to write elsewhere (usually in the café at my local Barnes & Noble) as a jumpstart. I've found being around books helps stoke the motivation.

LKBR: Would you like to mention other series you have written?
LB: Sure. In addition to the Amish Mysteries, I also write the Jenkins & Burns Mysteries under my own name, Laura Bradford. Originally released with a small independent publisher and then Harlequin's World Wide Mystery, I've recently brought the Jenkins & Burns books out in e-format. Although the books, themselves don't reflect my writing ability today, they've certainly built themselves a nice following which is why I'm currently working on a 4th in that series. Fans of this series can expect to see the new book in August.
Then, under my pen name, Elizabeth Lynn Casey, I write the Southern Sewing Circle Mysteries. The eighth book in that series--REMNANTS OF MURDER--will release August 6th.
Information about all of my books--including romances I have written--can be found on my website: .

LKBR: Any plans or ideas for a new series?
LB: I always have ideas for new books--including a thriller and a women's fiction that's woken me from a deep sleep many nights.
As for a new series...I don't know, I think I have to give that some thought. :-)

What to learn more about Laura Bradford and her books? Check out these great links!

Laura's Amazon page. Please stop by and LIKE Laura. Also, sign up for e-mails for new release
I'd like to thank Laura for giving me my first interview.
Don't forget to leave a comment for your chance to win one of her great Amish Mystery titles!


  1. I love how "Little house on the Prairie" inspired you for your Amish Mysteries I still love that show. I will be sure to put them on my TBR. I'm also looking forward to reading the sewing circle series. Thanks for the giveaway !!!

  2. Congrats to Lisa Kelley on your first interview!!
    While I do not write, I am an avid reader. And, I am always curious about authors' writing processes, especially with writing mysteries because you all have to make sure that everything matches up in the book. So, Laura, thank you for sharing a little bit about your process. I too, am curious about the Amish as they are prevalent in the county below me. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I have read HEARSE AND BUGGY and loved it. This is such a nice interview. It is great to read how an author comes up with ideas.

  4. Thanks for having me, Lisa! It's my honor to be your first interview.


  5. Nice article! Thank you also for hosting this contest.


  6. Great interview. I love reading about the Amish, both fact and fiction. Especially being from and living in PA. They seem to lead such a peaceful life that some days Im jealous. Ive never read Ms. Bradford but Im definately adding her to my TBR list now!

  7. I recently stumbled onto Laura and her books through other authors I "follow" on facebook, each of her mystery books sound compelling to me and the next time I'm in the bookstore I plan to start the series, I would love a copy of one of her books.

    Confessed book hoarder :)

  8. I like the whole premise of using the Amish for her mysteries background. I have learned a lot of how the Amish believe and live. I like her writing style and have even recommended her to others.

  9. I loved the photo of you in the Amish buggy seems sort of surreal.

  10. Congrats on your first interview! I enjoyed reading Hearse and Buggy and look forward to the next adventure!

  11. I really want to get all of these books, working on it :).
    They all sound so good :)

  12. Reading Assaulted Pretzel right now and LOVE it. Great interview and cute blog Lisa!

  13. I've read both the Amish books & the sewing circle series. I love them!!! They are well written and enjoyable. Great interview!!

  14. I am anxious to read Laura Bradford/Elizabeth Lynn Casey. I don't think there is a one of the books listed on her web page that I would NOT want to read!
    Enjoyed the interview - especially about where Laura likes to write. I used to go to a McDonalds and drink coffee when I wrote my 'missive' to my mother.

  15. Well congratulations Lisa on your first interview. And Laura, I love the sewing mysteries that I've read so far so will have to catch up on all your books.

  16. Great interview. Lots of books to add to my TBR stack.

  17. Great interview. I'll have to read the books!

  18. Congratulations on a wonderful interview! I live in Ohio about an hour's drive from an Amish community. The simple style of life is fascinating. I am currently reading Assaulted Pretzel - am am loving it. Keep the mysteries coming!
    My best to you,
    Susan Carter

  19. Thanks for such a nice welcome, everyone!! To those of you who have read some of my work already--thank you. To those of you who haven't, I hope you enjoy it!!

  20. I just picked up Assaulted Pretzel. I love cozies with the punny titles. My husband's family is from Litiz PA...Amish country and the lifestyle is interesting! Can't wait to read the book.

  21. Thank you for the chance to win one of these books. I am a cozy fan as well as an Amish fan.

    griperang at embarqmail dot com

  22. Thank you everyone for the kind words. It means so much to me.

  23. This was a lovely interview and I truly enjoyed it. Thank you to both Laura and Lisa K. I have read most of Laura's book but have yet to get the last ones in the Amish series. We will be going to Amish country in November and I want to read these before I leave on the trip, so maybe I will be lucky enough to win one of them and if not, I will order them soon. Keep up the great writing, Laura, and thank you Lisa with your first interview and such a good job and nice website too.


  24. I love watching the Little House On The Prairie and enjoyed reading the books when I was little. I love Amish Fiction, its my favorite genre to read. Thanks for the chance to win a great book.

    Katie J.

  25. I didn't know about her other series. I'll have to look into it.
    Rita P.

  26. I just found Laura Bradford by accident. Her first book in the Amish Mystery series was on the new books shelf in my local library. I loved it. The second one in the series is on my to be read pile and I will be checking out her other series as well.

  27. Were the winners picked yet or did I miss it? Congratulations to the winners!!!

    1. Hi KSD. Yes, the winners were picked. Please the blog post dated July 15. Sorry, you didn't win this time, but I do have a new give away coming up soon! So, please check back!
